Twitter is almost 11 years old and everyone had to start somewhere. Here are the first tweets of some of the most popular celebs. And remember we've come a long way.
You'll never guess which movie got an Oscar nomination or who our new meme saviour is PLUS watch Star Wars in 8 bit cinema and more!
2016 isn't even over and we already know it has been One Of Those Years. Let's take a trip down memory laneas we look at the year that was 2016.
You might not know this but Queen B is having twins and this almost broke the internet, 4 tech life hacks you need right now and more in Bytesized.
Today is the day that I thought would never happen. Donald Trump is becoming the president of the USA. And...
What a time to be alive. Donald You’re Fired Trump is the president elect of the US, an iguana hatchling...