
Bytesized | Orange is the new black

What a time to be alive. Donald You’re Fired Trump is the president elect of the US, an iguana hatchling gave us hope, Samuel L Jackson could soon be your neighbour, Snapchat Spectacles are here and more in Bytesized.

Obligatory Donald Trump Post(s) 

While there were some choice reactions to The News, cartoonists usually say it best.


[14 more cartoons from around the world via Bored Panda]

World's reaction to Trump's election as USA president

Samuel L Jackson could be moving to South Africa 

Twitter truth bombs

Don’t you dare compare our JZ to Trump. 


It can always get worse…

Obama roasting Trump back in 2011

It is funny because it actually came true. WTF.

This iguana is all of us right now

READ MORE: The internet reacts to the iguana vs snakes video and it is amazing AF

Snapchat spectacles are here

Snapchat Spectacles (because glass was already taken) are now available and while online shopping might be a big deal, you can only purchase these spectacles from a vending machine (well a Snapbot vending machine) for $130 (R1800).


And they look pretty snazzy too…


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