
Beyoncé, tech life hacks & the 100% accurate idiot test

Queen B is having twins (you heard it here first) and the internet went crazy, 4 tech life hacks you need in your life right now, awesome animal selfies (the original duck face), the 100% completely accurate and trustworthy idiot test as well as a cool app that lets you play mini games.

NEWSFLASH: Beyoncé is having twins

And the interweb lost its freaking mind. Oh how I love it when this happens!

I’d highly recommend following Celeste Barber on Instagram. She doesn’t take herself seriously and puts a spin on celeb and model pics (you know the type). Funny AF! 

[Source: 9 types of reactions to Beyonce’s pregnancy announcement]

Tech life hacks you really need in your life right now

I like a good life hack as much as the next kid, but these shitty life hacks are just amazing.

bad tech life hacks 1
This is for those who can’t afford airpods
bad tech life hacks 2
Fun fact: this also helps with sound
bad tech life hacks3
Pure genius
bad tech life hacks4
They’ll soak that water right up (you probably need at least 3 phones though)

[For more amazingly shitty life hacks, click here]

Not tech related, but this is the best thing EVER


These animals have some serious selfie game

Cristian Girotto takes a look at the REAL duck face and the crazy horse in the group.

animal selfies duck
Duck face game level 10
animal selfies horse
This horse likes to party


Send this to all of your friends to separate the weaklings


I sent this to some of my friends last night and I got quite a few “at first I thought it wasn’t working” replies. I can’t really blame them, I did the same.

Here are some other ones you can use. Bonus points if the same friend falls for all three.



ICYMI: a random app filled with mini games that will keep you entertained for at least an hour

Cartoon Network Anything an app for everyone


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