I consider myself pretty savvy when it comes to the internet but recently I let my guard down. Find out how I became 1 of over 200 000 fools, watch Seth Rogen sign his life over to Netflix, meet the best friend/psychologist you never had and more in Bytesized.
It is my last week in the Ukraine before I get a week break back home in South Africa. It...
If you've always wanted to win money on a game show but have a face for radio (or maybe you're just camera shy) there's an app that lets you play from the comfort of your own home in your pjs. Find out how now!
Every week, you get to listen to a recap of Bytesized for your ears which is everything you need to know in under 5 minutes. And once a month you get the long version, the Best of Bytesized. Here's what you missed in March.
Being authentic is a term thrown around a lot on the internet, but that is because it is true. On...
Instead of yelling "That is unwanted physical contact" ala Donkey from Shrek, here are more subtle ways of avoiding hugs like a pro PLUS avo proposals are a thing now + learn where to send people when they just won't Google something.