Best of Bytesized for your ears – the March podcast

Every week, you get to listen to a recap of Bytesized for your ears which is everything you need to know in under 5 minutes. And once a month you get the long version, the Best of Bytesized.

Here’s what the March podcast offers up:

Learn how to be passive aggressive and get people to just google it,

Find out WTF an avo proposal is,

Why you HAVE to download a new game show app (HQ Trivia, where you could win real cash money)

Learn why Alexa is laughing at you (not with you),

Discover why your search history can come back to haunt you

and I also reveal what the creepiest thing you can get 3D printed is.

You can listen to Bytesized for your ears on iTunes, Overcast and wherever you listen to your podcasts. If you like what you hear, please subscribe. 

?Just Google it

Don’t you get annoyed when people ask you questions that they could have easily googled? You can be funny and say something like “There’s this new thing called Google. You should try it” or just be passive aggressive and send them this link: Just F%& Google It.

just google it
The best part of this website appears when you scroll to the bottom, Idiots Served: 1893597

And when people actually do google something, they google weird stuff. According to this, these are some of the top weird AF people google every month. 

what do people google
Other questions include When will I die, Do penguins have knees and Am I pregnant?

?⁉Want to be on a game show? Well there’s an app for that

HQ Trivia, created by the same people that brought us Vine, is a game show trivia app that allows you to play to win money. I only discovered this app when I read a headline about a 25-year-old who won $25k playing HQ Trivia. 

Once you’ve downloaded the app and created an account, you will get a push notification to let you know when the game goes live.

And the rules are as follows: there are 12 questions and you have to get them all right to win the prize. If more than one person wins, the prize money is split and if no one does, it rolls over.

Download HQ Trivia on iOS or Android. 

??Alexa thinks you’re funny (not really, she is laughing at you)

Alexa, the voice assistant from Amazon, recently started randomly laughing at people in their homes. And if you’re wondering what kind of laugh, it is creepy AF. Have a listen below.

People started to wonder why Alexa was laughing…

… and started to get paranoid

Amazon did, however, find a solution (it was a default setting and how Alexa was hearing things).

? ?Avo proposals are a thing now

In February the world as we knew it changed. Avo proposals became a thing. And if you’re wondering WTF an avo proposal is, it’s where instead of a ring box you use an avo. Simply remove the pip and add a ring.



?Be careful what you Google, because it will come back to haunt you

The funniest thing that ever happened involving online ads was when someone who works on a brand website complained about inappropriate ads appearing on the site. These were of a strip club nature and the poor soul kicked up such a fuss but didn’t quite understand how programmatic advertising worked. That is, you are shown ads based on your search history.


?Are you with child?

Forget gender reveal parties and pregnancy shoots, things just got taken to a whole new level because now you can 3D print your unborn child. It’s printed in plaster and you can even get it plated in precious metals. But why stop there? Get a Bedazzler and go crazy.

Bytesized for your ears (podcast)
Click here to subscribe or listen

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