
Bytesized | 30 October 2015

Bytesized. Your weekly digital dose of all things tech in snackable bytes.

Make gif like videos on instagram, buy a work desk that costs R70k, life explained in post-it notes and more.

APP Boomerang by instagram

boomerang by instagram

Create 1 second video loops with Boomerang by instagram. I found it quite tricky to film what I wanted, but once I did, it was cool. Get it for iOS or Android.

PICTURE life explained in post-it  notes


A photo posted by Insta-Chaz (@instachaaz) on

DID YOU KNOW Adele broke the internet. Read more here. 


Sitting at your desk all day? Bad for you. Enter standing desks and treadmill desks. But now get ready for the ultimate desk. The lying down desk. For only $5 900 (R70 800) you can work like this. Living the dream.

Kind of like a dentist chair but for work.
Kind of like a dentist chair but for work.

TWEET #TrueStory  

Bytesized is your weekly digital dose of all things tech in snackable bytes. #ByteSizedZA @TechGirlZA

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