We can all relate to stress, and especially stress from work. We are constantly connected and always available. Success means working...
Book Club
A place where like minded gals get to read and discuss great books.
- Here’s how it works: every month we suggest a new book. Pretty simple right?
- We are all really busy, but committing to one book a month is something we can do.
- What kind of books will you suggest: reading is fun so we are going to mix it up between inspiring women doing things their way, start up stories and discussions around technology, blogging and the like.
A few weeks ago I shared on social media that I was taking a YouTube break for mental health reasons....
This year I have loved binge reading crime fiction. There is nothing better than reading a book that you just...
When Beyonce and the creative director at Dior use your material, you know you are on to something. Here's why you should read We should all be feminists.
Here are my favourite books to give as gifts. I've included what the book is about, my favourite quote as well as when to give it as a gift.
If you’re on Goodreads you’ll be familiar with the book goal. This year I want to read 20 books and...