The gadget every girl should have in her car

The gadget every girl should have in her car

How much do you really know about your car battery? I know that if I leave my car headlights on it will likely go flat. If it goes flat I’ll need a jump. That’s it.

The gadget every girl should have in her car

The thing about car batteries is that you don’t think much about them until they’re not working or they’ve gone flat. Then it is chaos while you try figure out what happened and what is wrong. To keep your battery going for longer there are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Switch off your headlights.
  2. Interior lights sometimes stay on when you don’t close your door properly or leave your boot slightly open. You can change the settings on your light so that they don’t turn on when a door is open – might be a good idea!
  3. If you leave a USB charger plugged in you are draining your battery. Ever so slightly but still. Remember to unplug!

Cool, so you follow the advice above and your battery still goes flat. Dammit. Here is the gadget every girl should have in her car. I didn’t even know these existed but I was introduced to them by the guys at Battery Centre, Fourways. It’s a Multi-Function Jump Starter Kit.

A what?

The gadget every girl should have in her car

A magic little box for the boot of your car. In it you have a portable battery and jumper cables. The portable battery, when fully charged, can jump start your car more than 20 times! There is an extremely easy “how to” on the carrier case to explain how to jump start your car. It also comes with a host of cables allowing you to charge all your electronic devices AND it includes a LED light.

How clever?

I spend a lot of time on the road at night. If my car wasn’t starting in an empty parking lot, hanging around waiting for assistance would be terrifying. This way I’ll be able to help my self and get my car started.

You can buy these kits from Battery Centre for less than R2000. When you go in ask them to check your battery as well. They offer free battery testing and diagnostics. Proper maintenance is the key to ensure you stay safe on the road!

Disclaimer: I was invited to Battery Centre for a free battery test. They gifted me with the multi-function jump starter kit. It is THE gadget every girl should have in her car (my words, not theirs). 

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