
Bytesized | Emoji, a meme & legs

Find out what the first emoji looked like (but is it art?), a pair of legs breaks the internet (once you see it you can’t unsee it), Lady Gaga takes the wheel in Carpool Karaoke, what famous artworks would look like if clients had their way, and find out the real story of the pensive boy as we go behind the meme.

SEE ALSO: Bytesized this time last year (and we go back, back)

MOMA acquires the first ever pixelated emoji 

At only 12px by 12px these emoji are pixelated AF, but these are the first emoji that Shigetaka Kurita created for cell phones back in 1999. There are only 6 colours and I like how the zodiac signs were actually a thing. Also no mention of an eggplant.

the first emoji

[Read about the history of emojis here via Wired]

SEE ALSO: 5 facts about emoji that will blow your mind 

These legs almost broke the internet 

Take a look at this photo below – the legs look pretty slimey right? Well scroll down to the caption to see what it actually is… you can’t unsee it.

On Monday, Instagram user Hunter Culverhouse shared this mind-bending photo of their legs to their Instagram account.
Just white lines of paint on a pair of legs. Look again and you’ll see what I’m talking about 🙁

[via Buzzfeed]

ICYMI: The iPod turned 15 years old this week! Here’s a little something I wrote…

On the Origin of this meme

This meme has been doing its rounds on social media. Meet Jake Amo from Ghana. The pic was taken by Solomon Adufah in August 2015. Read the backstory here (it will melt your heart). 

Meet Jake: The darling of social media Photo credit: Carlos Cortes /Solomon Adufah/Instagram

You can help Jake here:


Lady Gaga rules in Carpool Karaoke

Famous artworks ruined by client comments

Every single designer can probably relate to this right now. The font suggestion has to be my favourite (at least it is not Comic Sans).


[via Bored Panda]

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