disney star wars plasters

I want all the ouchies so I can use these Disney Star Wars Plasters

I’m growing up. I have a really fancy house, I’ve learnt how to wear make up and I even microbladed my eyebrows they other day (I know right!). But I’m still a giant kid at heart. When Elastoplast announced they were going to be launching Disney Star Wars Plasters and Frozen Plasters I may have squealed a little bit (or even a lot).

How adorable?

disney star wars plasters
I took one of my oldest teddy bears and gave him a Star Wars Plasters make over

These adorable Disney Star Wars Plasters are now available in your nearest Clicks or Dischem and I think everyone should have a box at home. For parents it is a no brainer: screaming sore child soothed by Darth Vader (the irony isn’t lost on me), but for “adults” like you and I it is just a fun way to feel better when you slice your finger open chopping your veggies. A few months ago I found a host of Star Wars inspired kitchen gadgets so it makes sense to add Elastoplast Plasters to the list.

disney star wars plasters

My roommate clearly agrees. Within 24 hours of these plasters landing in my lap she was asking for one after she ripped her nail off. They’re not only adorably cute but also considerably fashion forward, or so we think so. I’m not sure anyone would take fashion advice from us but hell, I’m trying to make a point.

They’re available in three boxed options

disney star wars plasters

You can get R2D2, C3PO, light sabers and the like. So no matter your ouch there is a plaster to ease the pain.

Anyone else stocking up?

disney star wars plasters

Disclosure: I was sent three boxes of Disney Star Wars plasters to ease my ouchies! 


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