
Bytesized | 23 October 2015

Bytesized. Your weekly digital dose of all things tech in snackable bytes.


facebook mobile app drains your batteryThe Facebook app is killing your phone’s battery. Apparently on iOS/Android Facebook runs in the background without you knowing it. The solution? Delete the app.



WOULD  YOU… spend $1800 (R24 000) on a Tag Heuer Apple watch?

tag huer smartwatch
You will be able to on the 9th of November.


APP: the photo saving app you never knew you needed

Carousel by Dropbox. This app organises your pics into a gallery and then stores them in your Dropbox account. This has 2 benefits:

1. Your pics are stored in the cloud so you never lose them (just don’t save your naked pics)

2. This frees up space on your phone.

Get it for iOS or Android.


I don’t watch TV so the only place I really see ads is on YouTube. I came across this awesome ad for Honda, which I could watch over and over again. It’s just so cool.

Bytesized is your weekly digital dose of all things tech in snackable bytes. #ByteSizedZA @TechGirlZA

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