girl on phone

What makes a Girl Geek? And win tickets to the Girl Geek Dinners Johannesburg!

Tech Girl is the media sponsor for the Girl Geek Dinners Johannesburg. It’s a big deal for me because I’m such a fan of the Dinners and have been going to them for the past two years. A lot of people might not be sure if they should be at the dinners. What really makes a Girl Geek?

Here is the type of girl you can expect to find at the Girl Geek Dinners Johannesburg:

  • A girl who is tech savvy.
  • A girl who wants to meet other women who inspire and uplift.
  • A girl who loves super rad goodie bags!
  • A girl who takes her career seriously but is also trying to balance her personal life
  • A girl understands that Twitter hashtags don’t need to be over used and Instagram is about beautiful pictures
  • A girl who is looking for a fun night out with great wine, great food and great company!

Surprised women looking at laptop, canon 1Ds mark III

Any of us are girl geeks and can take something great from the Girl Geek Dinners Johannesburg. The next one is going to be a rather rad one. We’ll be hanging out at the funky Hard Rock Cafe in Sandton, one of my favourite places courtesy of the incredible rockstar memorabilia on the walls, on 16 March. We’ll be entertained by Lori Milner, CEO of Beyond the Dress and author of Own Your Space – an inspiring book for South African working women that is set to launch this Friday (4 March).

I’ve seen the goodie bag and it is going to be, well, a goodie. If you want to book your space you can purchase your ticket here (and you can even book a table for your office!).

And just to make your week a little bit better I have one double ticket to give away. You and your bestie could win tickets to the next Girl Geek Dinner Johannesburg. So if you’re a giant girl geek and want to attend on 16 March, all you need to do is comment below and tell us why you’re Joburg’s best girl geek, send out the tweet on the Rafflecopter entry and boom – you could win tickets to the event!

We’ll announce the winner this Friday. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

  1. Though I may not be THE BEEEEGEST Girl Geek, I’m an Aspiring Biggest Girl Geek (ABGG). The dinner will push me over the edge, you see. At the moment, I can only claim to be ‘medium’, what with being all into apps (except Sam still has to teach me about SnapChat), gadgets, civ sim games, social media, DIY blogging and photography lessons, and being pedantic about recipes. Plus, I read Tech Girl. Obvs.

  2. I am the biggest girl geek ever!!!
    I am a social media strategist and in the process of registering a Social media marketing Agency called “Fearless Trendz Media” . I have 4 clients already(Sumbandila Scholarship Trust, CTI Pretoria Campus, Tuku Baby wear and Ridgeway College. I am on twitter,snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and have a blog ( ) . I love being around women from whom I can learn and be inspired which is why I usually go out to Social events hoping to meet these type of women. I am studying Business management so that I can manage my marketing business better!

  3. My online handle literally has “Geek” in it. I am a big gamer, love new tech and play Magic the Gathering competitively. Wait, does that make me a nerd rather? Eh, semantics. I am also a rock chick geek and have been DYING to go check out the hard Rock Cafe. Please pick me TechGirl? 😀

  4. I am such a geek, I recently “lost” geek-points for not seeing the new Starwars movie “the day” it came out! I love being a geekette and love it even more when I can put my male counterparts to shame with my awesome skills! Have always wanted to attend one of the Girl-Geek-Dinners!! Pretty Please!

  5. I was among the first to sign up when Girl Geek Dinners started in Joburg, way back in 2011 and have never been disappointed! It’s been a while since I’ve been able to attend a dinner but I’m still gettin’ my Geek on! Not only do I ADORE my iPhone and Mac, without which life would just plain suck, but I’ve been known to make video recordings with which to blackmail my kids and my cats when they grow up. I’m also a kitchen geek and am almost always baking something awesome and a “mature” student who is currently learning to parlez Francais, so I can romance my way through all those life situations for which they don’t have an app yet… 😉
    Finally, I’m a book geek with a crush on a character from a Thomas Hardy novel. Plus, I’m funny if you feed me wine.

  6. I am the “go-to” person in our office when anything tech related goes wrong or just does something weird 🙂 I am also a person who is constantly doing extra courses after hours, learning about anything and everything I can from nutrition and cooking to web development and my next courses will include social media analytics and graphic design. I am proud to say that I’ve inspired some of my colleagues to start learning as well and they’ve started doing courses after hours too. Bring on the learning! Probably the one non-“girl-geek” thing about me is that I’ve never been to a Girl Geek Dinner 🙁

  7. I absolutely love tech and I know the importance it plays in my life. I am up to date with latest gadgets. It will be an honour to have dinner with fellow Geek Girls out there.

  8. I am the original geek girl that used to share offices with only men – because there were so few in tech. My life is regulated by where I can pick up internet and charge my devices.

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