girl geek dinner johannesburg

The first Girl Geek Dinner of 2016 – how safe are your emails & LEGO video games

In case you missed it, Tech Girl is now the official media partner of the Girl Geek Dinner Johannesburg events. It’s rather exciting for me as I’m such a huge fan of the dinners and have explained why here. 2016 kicked off with a bang and, despite it being the month of bank balance hell, there was an incredible turn out of women who arrived at the gorgeous Fine Living venue to drink, be merry and share some tech insights.

The ladies were welcomed to the Girl Geek Dinner with gorgeous wine flavoured ice cream (yes that is a thing!) from 2 Scoops ice cream. I was a bit sickly on the evening so didn’t get a chance to try this out but I’m told it was the best thing since… well, wine! Fine Living offered up complementary wines to compliment the wine ice cream and there was even a make up booth where you could go get a quick touch up before the festivities began (great if you came straight from work).

girl geek dinner johannesburg

Mimecast sponsored the evening and started off the conversation with Christelle van der Merwe who spoke to the ladies about internet security and email safety. It always surprises me how silly we can be with our emails and how easily we fall for phishing scams. Remember to never input your password for ANYTHING if directed to a site from an email. Never feel embarrassed about phoning up a company and asking them if the email you just received is legit – it could save you a lot of admin and possibly money.

One of the other topics that came up during the Mimecast discussion was the Microsoft scam. I’m not sure if you’ve heard about it but basically someone phones you claiming to be from Microsoft and explaining they need to check something on your computer. Over the phone they direct you to download sharing software that allows them access to your computer and then ask you to log in to your bank account while on the phone with them (which most people do). Because they have access to your computer courtesy of that software you downloaded they now have access to your online accounts which they then proceed to pillage while walking you through “security checks”. You only realise what has happened when you hang up and your bank account is slowly being emptied… or you’ve handed over confidential information. The lesson? Always be suspicious and always be vigilant.

girl geek dinner johannesburg

Ronelle Hendriks from Ster Kinekor then took to the stage to chat about the video games and some common misconceptions about them from moms. She highlighted the LEGO series of video games and how they aren’t violent and also improve kids’ cognitive abilities. Ronelle also set up some gaming rigs so the ladies in attendance could go give the LEGO games a go. Video games, wine and make up… kind of bliss right? I’ve profiled Ronelle for Intel before, she is an inspiration in the video game community and I’m a big fan. Check out her profile here. I definitely think we need a Let’s Play video with the new Lego Avengers game… who’s with me? 

girl geek dinner johannesburg
The awesome goodie bags filled with all the LEGO things!

What I really loved about this dinner was the involvement from the audience. All the ladies were asking questions and participating in discussions that educated us all. I love putting a bunch of smart women in a room and just watching them lift one another up and inspire. It definitely brings out the warm and fuzzies. It also reminds me that we really are great when we’re all together as opposed to trying to tear one another down. Women are awesome! 

The ladies all left with packed goodie bags filled with LEGO items, PS Chocolate Bars (their milk chocolate one is DELICIOUS), cute Mimecast desk fans and Joburg Style Magazines. I’m so excited to be apart of these fabulous events and cannot wait for the next one in March.

girl geek dinner johannesburg

Watch Tech Girl for an update on the next event and, if you’re a brand who wants to get involved, drop me an email for more information.

I’ve also posted some photos on our Facebook page so feel free to tag yourself there.

If you were at the event what was your favourite part of the night? 

I'd love to chat to you some more.


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