I’ve spent the last two weeks travelling the globe. If you’ve followed Tech Girl on Twitter or Facebook you’ll know I’ve been in London and New York for Huawei and Acer announcements. I think the biggest thing I’ll take from these two trips is how easy technology makes travelling and sharing those adventures. From using a sticker on my Sim card (yes, a sticker) to ensure cheaper roaming rates to an app like Zomato to find the best places to eat – technology makes the whole experience so incredibly easy.
Five years ago, sharing my stories with you would have required me to take along a rather big bag of “stuff”. It would be time consuming and tedious to carry all that stuff through customs, to find a hook up to get the data loaded on to the internet and make sure it arrived at your computer in a neatly put together package. But technology is magic. I’m able to travel with two smartphones (or one, if I really wanted), a 2 in 1 Asus transformer tablet/laptop, a Sony Xperia Tablet and my Garmin Vivofit (purely to track all my walking). That’s it. All I need to create content for Tech Girl and share my adventures with you.
Five years ago a TV crew on location looked a bit like this:
Last week I was in New York with Grant Hinds. He was recording packages for The Tech Report, Espresso and his own YouTube channel. Everything he needed fitted neatly into a backpack (except me, his light stand). He records off his camera, carries a portable lighting set up and records sound on his iPhone. Technology shrinks a sound guy, camera man, front of camera personality and producer into one guy and his backpack. Technology is magic!
Your phone is outdated within a month, you always need a laptop and, as we go, technology is getting faster, smaller, smarter and cheaper (it is, actually). This month celebrates the 50th anniversary of “Moore’s Law”. Moore’s Law was a predication made by Gordon Moore on 19 April 1965. He observed that:
The number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits had doubled every year since the integrated circuit was invented. He predicted this trend would continue for the foreseeable future.
In simple speak? Technology is going to keep getting smaller, faster and cheaper as we go. 3 years after making this predication Moore went on to co-found a little company called Intel.
Imagine if we applied the concept of Moore’s Law to other areas of the world?
For more stories like this one and MORE… visit http://iq.intel.co.za/