You do not need a Social Media guru

We’ve seen the adverts and the biographies, day long courses offering you the chance to listen to a Social Media guru or authority or diva or whatever the current “buzz” word is for a person who has managed a few Facebook pages and has perfected the art of a few funny tweets on Twitter.

But you do not need a social media guru. In fact, if anyone uses those buzz words to describe their abilities you need to run a mile. No one can claim to be an expert in a field that is changing on a sometimes weekly basis. Sitting in a conference room while they run through a PowerPoint presentation isn’t going to help you much. In fact, you’ll find much of their presentation consists of videos they’ve pulled from YouTube and content they’ve reworked from BizCommunity.

Now that we’ve got the rant out of the way, not everyone offering up social media workshops are attempting to sell you snake oil. There are a few courses that are hands on and can assist a small business owner with everything they need to know to successfully utilise the new social platforms to promote their business. One of our favourites at the moment is the Social Sessions Workshop. 

Here’s why we like them:

  • It’s a two day hands on workshop – so you’re not only listening, you’re also doing!
  • You get some social media help and also get taught some basics of Photoshop, which go hand in hand.
  • The Workshop helps you plan a social media strategy for you/your business as well as some helpful tips to easily manage the platforms.
  • How to create images for the web, be it social media or your website.
  • You’ll leave with a bag of goodies and a guide to everything you learnt, in case you need to refresh your brain.
  • There’s wine at the end.


The Social Sessions Workshops are run by two women who don’t only talk the talk but are active participants in the industry and manage big brands on the internet. The next Workshop is happening on the 24th and 25th of July in Johannesburg. You can find out more information and book your spot by clicking here.

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