sex podcast

Cake & other important internet-related things

Guys it is was my favourite (who happens to also be my only) sibling’s birthday this week. I made a cake last year and decided to continue this tradition. I posted a picture of a really fancy cake and my sibling let me know that this was the cake she’d want. I responded with a hell no and then thought why not?

I learnt how to make a ganache, my new favourite icing as well as Italian meringue (I had no idea there were different types of meringue). It took me 4 days (I may have added marscapone/badger milk that went off to a batch of icing and had to redo it) but it looked good and tasted even better.

The point is that if you ever get a chance to bake a cake, do it and the second, is that you should always try new things and do stuff you think you can’t. And now for something completely different, here is all the internet news you need to know about in this week’s Bytesized.

Mine is the one on the right. Like I had to point that out…

If you’d like to make this cake, get the recipe by Bibby’s Kitchen here. 

When Twitter ads get it right (go follow this account now)

I’ve seen ads to follow Louis Vuitton (not sure where they think I’m getting R30k from to buy a purse), liquor stores (ok I get I kind of get that one) and even Scientology and often I wonder why. The other day @humansexplained popped up and I’m really glad it did.

SEE ALSO: The Funko documentary on Netflix – should you watch it?

When good old Afrikaans names get an update

Claire Sebastiao alerted me to this thread and it is pure gold. It is an amazing list of what happens when parents combine several regular Afrikaans names to come up with modern-day Afrikaans names.

My sibling and I were once sitting on the beach when a mom shouted “Janko”. It was truly a best of both worlds name – they couldn’t decide between Jaco, Kobus or Jan and so went with the obvious choice, Janko. Make sure you switch on alerts for this tweet because Miss_Moss updates it.

When animoji sing a Bon Jovi classic

I don’t know why this is funny or so mesmerising but it is. The best part is the chorus.

When Sacha Baron Cohen tricks America

The guy who brought us Borat has a new show called Who Is America and the first look is funny and scary. This time we are introduced to Col. Erran Morad, a self-proclaimed anti-terrorism expert. I really can’t wait to watch this show.

And if you haven’t already, please check out Bytesized the podcast.


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