mediabox streaming device

MediaBox Review: airmouse remotes are annoying as hell

The truth is I’ve actually never used a streaming device as such. I have a smart TV. I have a Playstation. I have an HDMI cable that I can plug in to my Macbook. Those have all worked fine for me. My housemate and I have been toying with the idea of getting an Apple TV for sometime but just haven’t fully committed. I use my brother’s Google Chromecast Ultra at his place and that is potentially something I’d buy but, again, haven’t fully committed. Because, if I’m honest, I really don’t find the need for a dedicated streaming device. I’m fine with what I have. I’m happy.

Enter the MediaBox

mediabox streaming device

This little device landed at my door for review. Straight out the box it is pretty simple and straight forward. It looks neat in a little square shape with a touch of red underneath. You get a remote (batteries included – thank you Jesus), HDMI & AV Cable and a Power adaptor cable.

  • Plug in the power cable to the MediaBox and then power outlet.
  • Plug in the HDMI cable to the MediaBox and then the TV.
  • Turn on TV, connect to the internet and you’re good to go.

Like I mentioned there is an AV cable included as well but the instructions clearly state the HDMI will work better. Go figure. Once you turn the TV on you’ll get the MediaBox open screen. Part of the selling point is that the MediaBox is Android operated and will update to the latest software versions for you. This is annoying when you need to wait 20 minutes for an update but a plus because you won’t need to upgrade the box any time soon. It comes pre-installed with a host of streaming services you might want or need. Anything from Supersport to Netflix and even Red Bull TV. You can also use Google Chrome to browse sites or the YouTube app.

mediabox streaming device

I found the web browser option with Google Chrome rather annoying and mainly because I switched to the airmouse option on the remote. Basically with a click of a button the remote turns to a mouse and you flick your wrist around to move the cursor and click on things. Want ensued was 15 minutes of arm flicking, swearing and high annoyance. The airmouse on the remote is jerky and temperamental. It is annoying as hell and you’ll find yourself bending your arm out of shape trying to get it to do what it is supposed to do. Avoid at all costs.

Back to streaming

mediabox streaming device

It is rather rad that the MediaBox comes with the necessary apps loaded. I streamed a few things without too much of a headache and if you have the necessary accounts its a simple click and log in to get going. Nice! It is a simple interface and it works well enough. I especially loved watching RedBull TV but personal preferences and what not.

But should you buy it

mediabox streaming device

No. Its a nice device. It does what it says. But to be honest, for R1999 I don’t see the point. My laptop connected via HDMI works well enough. My Playstation opens the YouTube and Twitch apps for me just fine. Actually, if I’m brutally honest the MediaBox confirmed that if I was going to drop money it would definitely be on the Google Chromecast Ultra which lets me cast straight off my phone or Macbook without any cables needed.

mediabox streaming device

Is it a good little device? Yes. It is neat and simple to use. Everything I love in a gadget. I just don’t think it does enough to justify buying one. Also that airmouse remote was annoying. I’d give this a skip and wait for version 2.

Disclosure: I was sent a MediaBox to review. It goes back now.

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