
Snapchat, Stranger Things & More

Find out about the new hands free selfie stick, watch the Stranger Things 2 trailer, eat a Lego burger, see which new tech terms have been added to the dictionary and learn about Snap Inc’s IPO so that you can sound intelligent.

The Selfie Game just got a whole stronger

Still using your selfie stick with your hands? That’s so last month. Introducing the “Look Ma! No hands!” selfie stick.


Lego shaped burgers are a thing now 

But only in the Philippines. Nom, nom, nom. 

What better way to spend your Sundays than with two of our signature burgers, the Hulkbuster and Darth Burger!

A photo posted by Brick Burger (@brickburgerph) on

New tech related words have been added to the dictionary 

These are tech related words that you could correctly use in an essay, because these words are in the dictionary. Take that Grade 7 (Standard 5) English teacher.

NSFW, listicles, humblebrag, binge-watch and photobomb have all been added. Although Urban Dictionary must be credited because they added these words long before Merriam-Webster.

Sadly as this dude pointed out, the verdict is still out on how to pronounce gif.  The creator of the GIF says it is pronounced JIF but he is wrong.

Image result for gif or jif

The Stranger Things 2 trailer is out!

Not sure what I’m talking about, check out the Stranger Things edition of Bytesized here. 

Stuff you can talk about this weekend to make you sound intelligent: Snapchat’s IPO

snapchat ipo

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