I originally saw this video on Tech Crunch but it is so incredibly joyful that I had to share. Sometimes we get so caught up in the consumer nature of technology. We’re constantly harping on about the latest smartphone or weird gadget we forget that technology is meant to make our lives easier or, the real winner, CHANGE lives.
A group called e-NABLE started to supply 3D printed mechanical hands to children around the world. The best part? A South African was part of the founding team. How incredible? He was a carpenter who joined forces with an American prop maker (God bless the internet!) to create a prosthetic hand for a South African kid. The organisation has now grown into an international group of engineers, professors, designers, families, students, makers, 3D print enthusiasts (I can keep going on here) who create 3D prosthetic hands for kids who need them.
How rad? Watch Isabella get her pink and purple 3D hand and tell me you don’t feel all warm and fuzzy. If you want to help the e-NABLE organisation head over here and find out how: