bytesized influencer

Tell me you’re an influencer without telling me you’re an influencer

If you’re in the Southern Hemisphere it is winter and in South Africa it has been cold AF. In Joburg it’s all blue skies during winter which is amazing – no SAD here. It’s also the time to binge-watch/listen/read all the things.

  • WATCH: Mare of Eastown – Kate Winslet is a cop that solves a messed up crimes in a small town. Available on Showmax and DSTV
  • READ: The Maidens by Alex Michaelides (the same person that wrote The Silent Patient). This is his second novel and so far, so good. It has a lot of Greek Mythology but I’m only about 15% of the way.
  • LISTEN: A Death in Cryptoland – follows the very suspicious death of a crypto king who we discover was the ONLY person with the key to all the money which means no one can access the money.

And now that your weekend plans are sorted (you’re welcome) here’s this week’s Bytesized.

See which influencer lost a company $4bn in a matter of minutes, see what LEGO and Adidas are up to, guess who is joining the NFT bandwagon and more!

I'd love to chat to you some more.


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