Self Defence key rings

Self Defence Key Rings

While this latest find isn’t strictly “tech” related, it is a great product for women and you’ll be supporting a South African woman entrepreneur. Another local lady entrepreneur, Shimmer and Shadow (a local makeup boutique that imports international products we can’t get locally), shared the KENDY KREATES account on Instagram.

Self Defence key rings

KENDY KREATES is the brain child of beauty and lifestyle influencer Kendra Hymen. KENDY KREATES offers up self defence key rings made with a strong Resin. They key rings are really pretty and shaped like the faces of cute cats and dogs. The eyes of the face allow you to slide your fingers through and the pointy ears then sit comfortably between your fingers, allowing you a potential self defence weapon if needed.

Self Defence key rings

Kendy explained the motivation behind the KENDY KREATES keyrings:

“Being a woman is amazing, but it’s no easy task. Living in SA as a female is a feat on its own. No one besides a woman will understand what it’s like to walk down the street and look over your shoulder or feel unsafe in a public place. I knew safety was my main priority when I no longer felt safe on campus, in an Uber or even in a mall. Its heart wrenching to see the numbers rise daily and hear all the horror stories. I wanted a way to help reduce the possibility of us becoming statistics. These key rings are my answer. The Self Defence Key Rings are an ergonomical way to equip every woman to defend herself while still adding some sparkle to her life! It will always be on hand and it’s comfortable to hold in a defensive manner. It’s something every woman should have but none should have to use. Hopefully, one day we’ll not longer need it. Until then, I hope you all stay safe.”

The Key Rings either have a cat or dog face and come in a range of sparkly finishes – depending on what you like. The pricing is dependent on the colouring, with key rings starting at R150 and some costing R200. Almost all the orders are currently done on the KENDY KREATES instagram account which you can find by clicking here.

Self Defence key rings

To order, you need to go through the products highlights on the Instagram page and then send a DM with the design you’re looking for. The account will then respond with availability and an invoice. Shipping to Durban and Johannesburg is also available and costed in.

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