GameStock explained in 30 seconds

January usually has more month than money but some people scored big. Like a billion dollars big. In this week’s episode, I explain GameStock using the power of motion pictures in gif and video form, give you an update on how Twitter plans to stop the spread of misinformation, recommend a NEW trashy reality TV series to take up your weekend & more!

Editor’s (That’s me, Sam) Note: 

Before we get into it though a few notes of caution – if you want to find out more about the GameStop issue and understand what exactly is going on, I found this piece in the Atlantic a really good read that explains the situation really well. You can click here to read it.

While this may be a fun thing to “jump into”, trading stocks requires very real money and you need to be willing to lose that money. If you don’t understand exactly how it all works rather avoid getting involved, no matter how much internet FOMO you’re getting. Please, be safe.

Now for Bytesized! 


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