Considering we are in the last quarter of 2019, I decided it was time for a podcast update. While I haven’t seen any festive season ads yet, I have seen Black Friday ads, so you know we are close to saying goodbye to 2019. I thought I’d get in there early with a round-up of my favourite true crime podcasts so far. And in no particular order here are some podcasts I loved so much that I binge listened to all of them.
Click on the title or image to go to the podcast.
The Shrink Next Door
Ang, from Jozi. Rediscovered recommended this podcast (check out her amazing blog post on a holocaust museum in Joburg) and I was captivated from the start. It’s the insane story of a psychiatrist who convinces one of his patients to surrender his house, business and wealth to him. The shrink crosses all sorts of doctor-patient lines and leaves people broken. He exploits his patients for personal gain in ways that are insane. This podcast really shows that truth is stranger than fiction. You couldn’t make this up.
Who The Hell Is Hamish?
Who The Hell Is Hamish? follows the story of a serial conman who has conned hundreds of people and has gone to extremes to do so: from marrying someone to grooming a teenage girl, there is nothing that Hamish won’t do to make money. Each episode ups the shock factor, and you’ll wonder how someone could even do the things he does without remorse.
Over My Dead Body: Joe Exotic
Wondery brings out some great podcasts, but this one has to be one of my favourites. In season 2 of Over My Dead Body, we meet Joe Exotic, an over the top man who owns a zoo and loves big cats, especially tigers. He also posts his life on YouTube and hates an activist who wants to put a stop to his cub petting experiences. The podcast dives into this rivalry and even investigates an assassination attempt.
Room 20
A journalist from the LA Times quits her job to investigate the story of Garage 66, who has been on a ventilator for 17 years but no one knows who he is. She sets out to solve this mystery by visiting Garage every day at the Vent Farm (the term used for the building where people are kept on life support). In the podcast, we find out who Garage is and what happened to him, while also exploring illegal immigration in the US.
A Very Fatal Murder
I stumbled upon this podcast when Spotify chose this for me after I had finished listening to another podcast. At first, I was like “Is this even possible?” and it was only after 5 minutes that I realised it was a parody of a true-crime podcast. I spent the morning giggling to myself while getting ready for work. The Onion, true to its form, destroys the true-crime podcast genre in the best possible way. It’s ridiculous, funny and brilliant.