Driving to work got so much better the day I discovered podcasts.  There have been a few times where I’ve sat in my car upon arriving at work so that I could finish listening to an episode. Podcasts are also great to listen to at home while you clean or cook. If you haven’t discovered the wonderful world of podcasts yet or are looking for new series to listen to, then here is a list of free popular podcasts to check out this year.

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Before you start, here are apps you can use to download podcasts:

1. The Tim Ferriss Show

Tim Ferriss of The Four Hour Workweek, Body and Chef fame (and Tech Girl Book Club pick Tools of Titans) has one of the most popular podcasts in the world. Tim gets to interview amazing people that will inspire you. Even if you think you know some of the personalities, you’ll always learn something new.

the tim ferriss show podcast

Find out more about The Tim Ferriss Show here. 

Not sure where to start, some of my favourite episodes are with Richard Branson and Tara Brach.

2.The Gary Vee Audio Experience

I actually found out about Gary Vee through Rich Roll’s podcast and was fascinated. That was about two years ago and I have listened to Gary Vee’s content ever since. He has such a no bullsh*t way of looking at what can sometimes be a very pretentious industry and makes things seem so simple. He talks a lot about entrepreneurship and digital media and a lot of what he has said has changed how I work.

the gary vee audio experience podcast

For more info on Gary Vee’s podcast, click here. Listen to ANY of his podcasts because you won’t be disappointed.

SEE ALSO: Gary Vee’s book on how to ace business – Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook


True crime shows are very popular, and in the podcast world even more so. The storytelling is amazing and it’s a great way to switch off. If you’re only getting into Criminal now, then you’re in for a treat because Criminal only comes out twice a month and you’ll definitely want to binge listen to this series.

criminal podcast

To find out more about Criminal, click here. 

4.Super Soul Conversations

Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations is your weekly dose of spirituality.

super soul conversations podcast

Start with the two-part Paulo Cohelo interview or ex-convict Shaka Senghor.

5. This won’t hurt a bit

A medical podcast? Yes please! Delve into interesting medical stories and history and hear what experts have to say. It’s a great podcast to let your imagination run wild. I always look away when medical procedures come onto TV, and now I don’t have to.

this wont hurt a bit podcast

Start with Movie Medicine, which is an interesting look at medical procedures in the movies.

6. Revisionist History

Revisionist History will go back and reinterpret something from the past: an event, a person, an idea. Something overlooked. Something misunderstood. And it is hosted by the awesome Malcom Gladwell. Start with Season 1. 

revisionist history

READ MORE: 3 podcasts to make you smarter

7.The Moth

True stories told live. Topics range from the dramatic to the sad to the funny to the downright weird.

the moth podcast

SEE ALSO: 3 podcasts to make you smarter

8.Star Talk

The guy who makes astrophysics sound simple, Neil deGrasse Tyson chats to celebs about life and the universe.


SEE ALSO: The ONE podcast you have to listen to if you’re missing Serial

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