Fitbit Alta Review

Win this limited edition GOLD Fitbit Alta

I’m absolutely in love with my Fitbit Alta. It is a great accessory not only for fitness tracking but also just as a sexy piece of jewelry for errands and the like. I find it is the ideal accessory when I’m out and about. The option to change bands is also a big plus for me because you can match it to a host of outfits and activities.

Fitbit Alta Review

I’ve spoken about the reasons I love this fitness band numerous times but just to refresh your memory: you can use it as a watch, it syncs wirelessly to your phone, vibrates with phone notifications, tracks your steps all day, tracks your sleep and also (my favourite) reminds you to move. You can also add friends to the Fitbit app and inspire each other to move more.

All round rad little gadget.

However, it gets better. Because I’ve been given FOUR limited edition GOLD Fitbit Altas to give to you! Here’s a look at the limited edition band:

limited edition gold fitbit alta

How gorgeous? I’m super jealous actually because the gold is beautiful and I think four lucky Tech Girls are going to love this band. So how do you win? It is pretty easy. You’ll need to subscribe to my YouTube channel (I’m planning to do some exciting Fitbit content so it will be worth your while!) and then I need you to send one tweet. You’re free to word it however you want but you will need to make sure @TechGirlZA and @FitbitSAfrica in said tweet.

Fitbit Alta Review

I want to be very clear – I’m well aware that there is a host of competition hunters out there who never read blogs but enter all the competitions. So I’m going to be pretty strict on this one. I really want these gorgeous bands to go to Tech Girls. So we will vet all the entrants and only non competition hunters are going in to the draw. Winners will be tweeted and then emailed.

Good luck friends! 

  1. We actually have a Fitbit but me and my husband regularly argue about who takes the most steps so I would love to win this so we can compete lol. Because Im dead sure im gonna kick his ass! This gold is sooo beautiful.

  2. I am entering on behalf of my sister, since I all ready own a fitbit. It would be so awesome to have someone close to me to compete with! But, I would totally keep the gold one and give her my old one! LOL

  3. An awesome review ….will be fantastic to finally own a Fitbit. Been using my sisters one for too long , time to return it lol. Thank you for the opportunity to win one. I certainly will appreciate and make excellent use of it

  4. I need this in my life. My previous FitBit broke and I’ve been lost without it. It’s such great motivation to keep moving and now with me training for my next half marathon, I really need the motivation!

  5. Such an awesome review on the Fitbit Alta. I’m in desperate need of one of these little gems to motivate me to start moving and training!

  6. Luv the Fitbit and this one looks great, was thinking of getting one. Cant wait for the Youtube content?

  7. I will admit to being a competition fanatic and entering loads of them. But I’m also an honest-to-goodness fan of the blog – looking forward to seeing those YouTube vids; I always feel like there’s probably more I could be doing with my Fitbit if I just knew what it was!

    1. Hahaha nah when I said competition fanatics I meant those folks who enter all the comps on all the blogs but very clearly don’t ever read them or engage. You’re on my newsletter list and have been around since the beginning. I know that 😉

  8. Awesome awesome and much needed prize! Started getting healthy and doing park runs and walks and would love this.

  9. i LOVE the look of this new Fitbit and i’d really LOVE a gold one. I’ve had a fitbit since the very first Flex came out – i think they are FAB gadgets!
    Have subscribed on youtube AND made my twitter profile public for the first time in about 7 years just for the comp! Holding thumbs

  10. Wow. How awesome. My sister and i motivate each other but sadly my plumbers thought the fitbit would suit them better ??? so i have the 1million colour straps charger but no fitbit

  11. Gold Fitbit Alta, not knowing a thing about any form of tracker..would it change my lifestyle, I hope so.?? Sit behind a desk all day..dealing with SARS…?

  12. Hi Sam,

    I have subscribed on your youtube channel as well as tweeted. @CandicePara Candice Parasuramen

    I have been obsessing over a normal Fitbit for ages but always wondered how its going to match my style.

    What you giving away is so perfect,its so pretty like an accessory and it will track my movements.

    I have started gyming and this will give me a boost to keep up my fitness levels.I sometimes go into a lazy mode so if I keep track of my steps and heartrate,this could really improve my life and speed up my weight loss goals and lifestyle change.

    I am going to start Parkrun and Bootcamp,this will really help me keep track of my fitness levels.I am always on the treadmill everyday and this can also boost my Vitality points if I have this awesome gorgeous stylish activity tracker.

    I will also be travelling a lot and im going to do so much of steps,I would love to keep track,Cant buy one now because im prepping for my travels  and the fitbit is a gorgeous luxury buy.

    I admit i love competitions but have not entered 1 in the past year and this is something i really do need in my life.I have lost 5KGS so far and want to shed off 10 more.

    Perfect way to keep myself motivated to live a more healthy lifestyle and not to touch that chocolate cupcake .

    Gymlife is hectic ,
    The Gold Fitbit is totally SICK,
    Stylish and pretty and Gold,
    was something i was not told,
    Great for my weight goals,
    and then my healthy lifestyle will unfold,

    Lots of love,and keeping an eye on your Youtube channel.


  13. Hie
    Oh what an amazing giveaway. This would be awesome for my fitness journey i have started a few months ago. They look so gorgeous and stylish! Motivation enough to keep going and get fit and techy!!!

  14. Fitbit really has excelled with its creation of this gorgeous, incredible technology! LOVE IT!

  15. Ever since I was a teenager I’ve struggled with my weight. Not necessarily from a health perspective—I’ve always been pretty healthy, but I’ve struggled because I want to look better, feel more energetic, and get all of those great benefits that fitness offers. When I first borrowed my sister’s fitbit, I was shocked to discover how in-active I actually was. (I thought for sure I’d be hitting 10k without issue.) Turns out on a “normal day” I would probably get about 7,000 steps. Now that I “know” my numbers I am pushing myself to move. The first week I hit 10,000 steps only 3 out of 7 days. The second week and so far this week, I have hit it everyday. If you’re a numbers person, I have lost 2 kg’s.
    Since using my sister’s Fitbit regularly I have been able to go on up to 5 consecutive days to the gym without having to radically reduce my workout. Through monitoring my heart rate more closely and checking how high above base I am, I have now started losing weight. Apparently this is a challenge that others face at my gym – they are not working out correctly, simply attacking the machines and the result is a bad workout. The equipment isn’t monitoring heart rate (the ones I use) so in order to work out efficiently and effectively you pretty much need a Fitbit. My sister’s fitbit not only has helped me monitor the number of steps walked, heart rate, but has also inspired me to get back into shape.I would really love to have my own fitbit and return the one my sister lent me

  16. I’ve always been a fan of your blog and enjoy reading all your posts. I have been after one these babies for quite some time now as I recently got back into fitness and feel that I could really use a fitbit in my life. Winning this would make me so happy and really help me towards reaching my fitness goals I really hope that you will pick me I would really appreciate it 🙂

  17. I have had my eyes on a fitbit forever so if I had any sort of eye superpower I would already own a fitbit but I have learned the hard way that I don’t (not that I’ll stop trying) so this would be a great win for me and my weightloss journey.

  18. I have joined our local NHW and we walk quite a bit throughout my neighborhood. Its a win-win for me. I get fit whilst walking and we patrol the area to keep bad elements away 🙂 This would be perfect to see exactly how much walking i have done whilst doing my duty to the community 🙂

  19. Dude! You know I’m a fan of your work and you have seriously just gone up a million levels in my books cos I SO badly need a FitBit! I’m one of the lazy ones so a reminder to move would be great as well as the fact that I can earn points when I don’t go to gym! Win win! And it looks super sexy too! Triple win! Looking forward to the FitBit content on your YouTube Channel!! Stay RAD, gurl! ??

  20. I can’t bare the pain anymore! When are you announcing the winners? My furchild and I need this. My old fitbit zip has disappeared and the #findmyfitbit app can’t even find it. If I don’t get my ass into gear and exercise, then by bones are in big trouble. Wearable jewellery tech – yes please!

  21. I really hope I can win one. I love your blog and it’s my go-to for tech information from a womans perspective
    Also thank you for breaking barriers

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