Let us face it, the weather is terrible, being all cold and stuff, and we would rather sit at home and play games. The only issue is, we need some sort of social interaction in life, which is why there is this thing called couch co-op. Couch co-op is a feature in some games, which lets you sit on the same couch with a friend, and play the same game. Be it split screen, or top-down, there is always something to do with a friend.
The best thing about this, is that your friend will be right next to you so you can punch them in the face, or the arm (I suggest the arm) if things get a bit heated.
Here are some great co-op games that you need to give a try:
Resident Evil 5
Guys, I have never had more fun in a Resident Evil game than Resident Evil 5. In the game, you head into Africa to investigate a strange mutant virus which is turning people into crazed mutant creatures. You play as the sexy Sheva Alomar, and the even sexier Chris Redfield, and blow things up. No really, remember Chris from our my Bachelors in gaming post, that fine piece of rump with all those chiseled abs? He should be enough to make you want to play the game alone.
The game is an awesome co-op experience as you and your friend work together to kill zombies, heal each other and, fight massive bosses, and save the world. It is all about teamwork, and making the most out of all the weapons you find in the game. The game just recently released on PS4, and Xbox One, with all the content ever released for the game.
Left 4 Dead
The Xbox One has that awesome Xbox 360 backwards compatibility feature, which means that some of the best games ever released on Xbox 360, can be played on Xbox One. One of these great games, is Left 4 Dead. This FPS zombie game, sees you and your friend, venture through abandoned cities, farms, and stadiums, trying to escape the impending zombie invasion.
You will spray bullets into zombies as the hordes run at you because your friend shot a car which had its alarm on, idiot, and fight off tanks and crazed witches who will sit on your head and eat your brains. Don’t know about you, but it sounds like the perfect Friday night to me.
Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2
It is rare to find a good split screen game which does not skimp on the features when playing it. Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2, has some great split-screen couch co-op as you can play together both offline and online in the game. Players can load into their accounts, and level up their favourite plants and zombies while playing in the Backyard Battleground, or even in multiplayer.
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection
I think I have already expressed the love I have for the Borderlands series when I reviewed it last year, but again, the game offers a great couch co-op experience thanks to its split screen gameplay. If you have more than one friend, I am not judging you if you don’t, then you can get them to join in too. Even if these friends claim to be gamers and they cannot even spell eSports, this is the time to test their skills.
Borderlands lets you choose from a bunch of playable classes as you shoot things up, level up with new skills, and gain new weapons to do it all over again. It is a great RPG and shooter mix up, which needs to played with friends, because it makes it so much more enjoyable.
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
Forget Rise of the Tomb Raider, Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris, is a top-down shooter slash platformer with a great co-op system. You play as one of four characters, enter tombs to solve puzzles and work as a team to get to the end. You will even fight some bosses like a crocodile lion creature, yes it is real.
The game offers some great couch co-op as most of the puzzles rely on you communicating with your partner on what to do and how to do it. If you mess up, then you cost your friend the game. Really, Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris is a great puzzle game, that stars our favourite heroine.
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Last but not least is my favourite LEGO game in the series so far, LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The game is really everything that was missing from LEGO Marvel Avengers. It has awesome cameos, looks fantastic, has a new cover system, and so much to do in the game. The best thing about it, is that each character is utilized extremely well, so you will never feel useless.
The entire game from start to finish supports local co-op, and it is made in such a way, that you both help each other out while playing it. If you are looking for a great co-op game with Star Wars all over it, then this is it.