Gaming can help you lose weight!

Gamers are stereo-typically depicted as fat slobs who sit in dark rooms all day frantically clicking at their mouse, drinking beer and generally being mean to people on the internet. Not true (well, other than Gavin from Lazygamer, but he really is the exception here… just kidding Gav). Gaming can help you lose weight and I’m pretty sure we’re going to see some impressively suave looking (my polite way of saying smoking hot bodies) gaming gents roaming around. Be gone stereotypes!


I recently got my hands on a copy of Just Dance 2016 and it is awesome. Mostly because it has this funky section entitled Sweat & Playlists where you can customise a dance workout. The game has more than 40 tracks that you can dance along to including Uptown Funk (my favourite). I invited my friend Anne around to take me on in an epic dance battle and see how much weight we could lose.

Just Dance 2016 doesn’t require a Kinect or fancy motion sensor thing. You can actually just download the controller app on your phone. The phone and your console need to be connected to the same WiFi network which was a tough one for me as I haven’t hooked up internet in my new place yet (Mobile Data is a killer, FYI). No sweat.. yet. Anne downloaded the app to her phone, I turned my data sharing on on my phone, making it a little modem and then I linked the Playstation to my phone as well as Anne’s and voila! We were good to go.


All you do is hold your phone in your right hand and follow the instructions on screen. It was surprisingly accurate and I was impressed. It also means you don’t have to fork out for the extra bits and pieces to go with your console. Anne went first. You can see her incredible dance moves and score:









I then followed suit, naturally behaving like a complete idiot meaning my score was somewhat higher. Sorry Anne.








We celebrated our fabulous weight loss results the only way we know how:


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