Women in Tech? Let’s get them in school first. #FeesMustFall

I constantly get invited to Women in Tech events. I’ve sat through a host of debates about getting more women in tech. I’m passionate about the cause. I get it. However, I recently did a talk with Zoe Hawkins from Lazygamer (for Tech4Africa, we spoke about how to market technology to women) and a gent in the audience asked how we get more girls interested in technology. He highlighted a coding/gaming workshop in a local Johannesburg township and how no girls had shown an interest. In fact, very little youth had shown interest period.

The answer I wanted to give him was a passionate plea to try and see the bigger picture. We have grandparents who were not given access to basic education. They were victims of Apartheid and forced into positions of manual labour earning less than minimum wage, ensuring that now, in their retirement they cannot afford to look after themselves. Their own children left school and went hunting for jobs immediately. University wasn’t an option. They had parents to feed. Now they have children, who are looked after by their grandparents while they’re forced to work long hours to try finance the family.


I don’t care what the white middle class likes to convince themselves with, the scars of Apartheid still ravage us. 

Currently universities around the country are in states of chaos as students protest against fee hikes. It’s split the population in two. One group of middle class students who’ve moaned vehemently online about the disruptions and another group so desperate to better the circumstances of their families that they’re fighting to stay at University. They’ve reached that horrifying point of desperation where you will resort to violent acts to try get someone to see your point of view and give you something.


I don’t condone violence. I also do not condone hiking fees just before exams so that the majority of the student body will be forced into a life time of debt to try get their degree. Unfortunately, life isn’t all unicorns and rainbows. It isn’t as simple as ”free education for all” (though I wish it was). My friend William Horne (pretty smart dude actually) posted something on Facebook yesterday that resonated strongly with me:

Tensions are high, and rightfully so, with the fees at our tertiary education institutions in South Africa. No one can tell you to stop feeling passionate about it, whichever side of the debate you are on – that is your right. However, simply pausing the emotion for long enough to read this article might add to your arsenal for your arguments – either for or against fee increases.

Knowing the pieces in play in any debate is valuable to both sides. These facts, as posed by a brilliant economist I had the privilege of studying under, are simple and easy to digest. Use them as you may – they can be ammunition for anyone. But ignore them you cannot but to your own detriment. Numbers don’t owe allegiance to any cause.

In my position, the argument posited here resonates well, however uncomfortably. For those who can see its merit but don’t want to accept it, the problem you are facing might be the following:

You can, with much struggle, still actually afford the fees proposed by this argument – and yes, it is unfair. But it could also imply something else – you might finally be in the middle class.

Welcome. Here indentured servitude to debt is the name of the game, and it sucks. Here we too have our masters, but they don’t have varying surnames of Afrikaner heritage – they all have the same one: (something)BANK. To solve THIS problem though, would be even harder than solving the hardship of the millions who still look up to a lifestyle where debt seems better than the alternative they face every day.

The article he refers to can be read here, and I implore you to do that this morning.

We’re not going to get Women in Tech or girls studying STEM subjects if they cannot afford to get through school. Hell, we’re going to see a growing divide between the haves and have nots. Between the kids who now learn on iPads and the kids who don’t actually know if they’ll have running water tomorrow.


So why am I writing this? Because I’ve watched social media for the past 48 hours and cringed at what I’ve seen. I’ve been horrified at the lack of understanding from both sides. I want that to change and the only way to do that is be the change. My friend Meg Pascoe pledged to put money away each month in the hope that in the next few years she could assist someone desperate for an education with their fees.

I have two University degrees and fit comfortably into the “middle class”. I’m grateful for my privilege and I’m also going to use it to help someone else. I’m following Meg’s lead. I encourage you to do the same.



  1. I agree whole heartedly that things need to change. The inequalities are deep rooted and almost impossible to overcome. The more individual people can do, the better, because government can’t/won’t deliver on this issue.

  2. Very very very thought-provoking, Also not a fan of violence to make a point – all it’s going to do is divert resources elsewhere instead of allowing them to be spent directly on education. And if we’re brutally honest, disrupting anyone else’s studies to make your own point is not rad at all.

    You want to make change? Do it when you have the opportunity to select who leads you and who makes the decisions that most affect your situation.

    There are many people, past and present (and definitely future) who spent as many years working their butts off to afford their studies as they did performing said studies. Follow suite and forge yourself as much of your future as you can.

    Finally, get to work sorting out secondary education – give students the mindset and opportunities to excel enough in high school so that their tertiary education can justifiably be sponsored.

    1. A very white middle class reply.

      1. Sitting on the steps with a placard isn’t going to make the government notice the gross error of their ways. It isn’t going to fix anything. It just means nothing happens and then what? Sometimes the only way to get your voice heard is to scream as loudly as possible.

      2. My comment to other poster refers. Just because you voted a party in DOES NOT mean you aren’t allowed to hold them accountable when you let them down.

      3. There are many people who don’t have access to running water. Or electricity . Or food. Shame, work harder? Come now. I know people protesting today who wake up at 4:30am every day to spend 3 hours in transit to university. They spend the day there and in the library because they cannot afford the textbooks so they need to use the institute’s. They spend a 3 hour ride home where they then take up a night shift so they can pay to feed their grandmother before starting again the next day. Now fees get hiked – should he work harder? Really? HOW?!!!!!!

      4. Agreed 😛

      1. Attaching race and class to a reply? Not relevant. I’m speaking only from experience on every point put forth.

        Screaming for attention is not the same as overturning cars and setting them aflame. Yes, not all the students did that; most however fail to see that doing so detracts further from the issue at hand.

        Agreed on the accountability issue. And the best way to sort that out in the long run is the same as with any service: direct your feet elsewhere.

        I didn’t mean they should work harder; I meant taking time to work in order to finance studies. It’s not perfect, and not ideal for all cases, but should not be discounted as an option.

        I’m deeply saddened by the state of affairs regarding the students, Sam. I wish there were a quick permanent fix. Hope you guys enjoy your day, at least. And fingers crossed for a resolution.

        1. I went to university with a guy. He lived in a township with him mom who was a domestic worker. 50% of his studies were financed via a bursary. If he achieved certain marks by the end of first year this would rise to 100%.

          He woke up every morning at 4:30 to catch various transport to get to lectures at 9am. He sat at university till 5:30 because he needed access to textbooks. He couldn’t afford them so he used the library. Then he did the long commute home before starting work – a night shift as a security guard.

          He had taken a student loan to cover the other 50%.

          Pray tell, where does a man like that find more time to work? He was barely sleeping!

          This gent ended up passing his Masters and spent the first 4 years of his working life paying off his student loan. We eventually organised him text books and donated to a fund to help with transport.

          The point is – the ridiculous fee hike will cripple the majority of the students. The minority is the group not effected. That is completely unacceptable.

          1. That is the point indeed, and that gentleman is an exceptional individual for having made it through all of that. Agreed, it’s unacceptable to make studying even less affordable. It’s also unacceptable to disrupt other people’s studies. Two wrongs do not a right make.

  3. For me the root of the problem is political corruption. What I’m saying is that I feel deep sympathy for the students who DID NOT VOTE ANC. Protest is welcome in situations of oppression, but destructive protest is very extreme and dangerous. Protest shouldn’t even have to be necessary if we didn’t have corrupt politicians… (as per the quote on govt’ misspending in the article above)

    1. Just because someone voted ANC believing this was the party that would lead them into the future does not mean they should get a ”oh shame tough luck you voted that way” now. They voted based on promises made. That doesn’t mean they aren’t allowed to hold the politicians accountable and complain (which is what they’re doing now).

  4. You have written a very good article. I do however feel that the violence shown by the protesters have hardened my heart and my feelings to them. Keeping people locked in a building, until your demands are met, is nothing short of black mail. I cannot support any student that will act in this matter.

    Do I feel our education system needs to be changed. Yes I do. However it should be noted that Tertiary Education is not a right. It is a privilege. Most of the students protesting feel entitled to get everything they want. And that is the first myth than needs to be changed.

    Acting in the manner these students are acting, stopping other students from attending the classes they have paid for, is not acceptable. And it should not be entertained.

    People should also realize that change takes a lot of time. And the moment you throw a violent protest as they are doing now, they are destroying what has happened and you take the entire country back years.

    Why have none of the students actually gone and approached large businesses. Or put together a plan for government. You could get large corporations to donate funds to a university funds, and in return they get tax breaks. Instead of having to implement BEE policies that does not necessarily work, why not ask those corporations to invest in the education of the people.

    Also, these same students protesting tight now, will vote for the exact same government that is failing them. Unless they start becoming the change they want, in a peaceful manner, I cannot support the cause they are standing for. Even if I do agree change is needed.

    1. I cannot entertain or reply to a single thing you’ve written. Every student behaved violently? Every student feels entitled? Every student hasn’t approached large businesses? Or tried to get action plans to government? Or asked large corporates to donate?

      The issue is that there is gross misconduct and finance handling at our tertiary institutions and in our government. Should all these tens of thousands of students give up their chance to an education in the hope that they can vote a new government in some time in the future, wait a good 5 years for the dirt to be cleaned up? Really?

      I know what desperation feels like. I don’t condone violence but you can’t seriously think sitting in a circle singing camp fire songs is going to make this work in the slightest?

      1. And at what point does violence become the option? When do we draw the line and say, this is enough? We condemn striking workers for becoming violent, but allow students?

        The students overturned somebody’s car, with them in it. Injuring the person in side. And this person had nothing to do with the university. This is not acceptable behavior.

        There are a lot of different approaches they can take. Protesting in a peaceful manner, would have garnered a lot more support for their cause. They could organize a march throughout the city. Get a petition signed by all the students.

        Yes, they are desperate. Everybody gets desperate. But that does not make what did they right. Should all the hungry people in the township march on PNP and break down the doors, and take all the food they want, as they are desperate for a meal? Should all the homeless start taking people’s houses as they want a house?

        I do not say they should give up their studies. But the have business majors, statisticians, mathematicians, law students. If these students came together, and worked together. Imagine what they can achieve. Any chance of somebody listening to them went out the window the moment they became violent.

        I will admit, I am not the most articulate person in the world. And I definitely lack the tact of more seasons writers. But while people only think about themselves and the here and now, they loose focus on the future. No increase in fee’s today, may lead to lecturers leaving. Standards drop, and the degree becomes worth less. Or the university closes down completely, and now nobody can study anymore.

        I will leave you with the following:
        “I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.
        Mahatma Gandhi”

        1. You keep tarnishing all students with one brush. I don’t condone violence, not all were violent.

          Also the marches, petitions and peaceful sit ins have all been happening. For a good few weeks. You don’t know about them because those don’t get attention.

          1. How many of the student councils have come out to condone the violence committed? They are the leaders of these students and none of them have spoken out against it.

            We hear about how cops attacked a peaceful demonstration, but nowhere was it written that glass bottles were thrown at the police. No, these bottles magically flew all over the place.

            There is also a lot of intimidation happening at the universities.

            As for the silent sit ins. At Wits one of my friends mothers was threatened while walking between faculties. Some classes was blocked and students who wanted to attend classes could not. We may not have heard about it on the news, but already then it was not as peaceful as you make it out to be.

            There are good students out there, they have the power to change the world. But speak up against the actions of a few. By keeping silent, they are embracing the evil that is happening.

            They have got the countries attention. But they are not using it to raise the issues, or actually give alternatives.

            At my job, it is quite simple, if something is broken, not only to I have to let management know it is broken, but I also have to say what I am doing to fix it. These students should be doing the same. Get papers with alternatives together. We already know government is not the answer, but if they put their alternatives to paper, take it to the dean in a peaceful manner (no dumping rubbish, no breaking glass, no locking people in the buildings) I am sure people will start noticing that these students are willing to work for the betterment of South Africa as a whole.

          2. Dawid I get that you have this positive view on how this could be done. Sadly it is very different at the universities. I understand why it has gone this route. I dont condone it but I understand. Sometimes there is no other way 🙁

          3. I will see what happens with this going forward. And yes, I like to try an be positive. I am a strong believer that things can be settled through logic and working things through. See the solution, and work back from that to the problem. Or find the problem and fix it.

            While I understand your position on this, I really wish that more could be done. That what is happening now was not the only way.

            I would also like to know, when they get what they wanted, what will they do from there. The failures has caused this once. Can we stop this from happening again next year?

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