Mecer giveaway

Tech Girl first birthday – Mecer giveaway

Irene Nkgadmina is the production manager on the largest assembly line of technology products in the southern hemisphere. Her story is one of inspiration and proof that anyone can better themselves with a little bit of effort and time. Irene works for Mustek Limited (the guys who bring you Mecer products) and started out at the company in 2000 as a contractor to assemble various technology products on the assembly line. A year later the company hired her full time to work on the line. Irene says she spent much of her “down time” watching what others were doing on the assembly line and learning about their various roles. After 3 years on the line she moved up to testing and quality control. Her hard work paid off and she soon became a PC Technician before, in 2010, she was moved into production supervision. In 2013 she was made the production manager and has held the position ever since.

Mecer giveaway

Irene recently took me on a tour of the Mustek assembly line. It is clear that Irene is not only passionate about her job but understands how each cog contributes to the large wheel. A wheel that makes 400 units a day and operates 40 stations. Irene manages the 43 people who all work on the largest semi-automated computer assembly line in South Africa.

Mecer giveaway

For me, Irene is an inspiration to South African women everywhere and proof that success can be self made, no matter your background or experience. Since the start of Tech Girl one year ago, Mecer has wanted to be involved and give back to local women. They were the headline sponsor behind our #TGSavvy talks last year and run training programmes at the Mustek Limited headquarters for young people and disabled workers looking to gain skills in the technology industry.

Mecer giveaway

This week, as part of our first birthday giveaways (we’re a year old this month!) Mecer would like to gift you with a little birthday present. It’s the A801 Mecer tablet. The tablet runs on 8.1 Windows and includes a one year subscription to Microsoft Office 365 Personal with 1TB Cloud Storage. There’s a case and anti-scratch screen protector included with the tablet and it also includes a 1 year warranty!

Mecer giveaway

To win this awesome Tech Girl Mecer birthday present all you need to do is tell us, in the comments below, which woman in tech inspires you? For a bonus entry drop us a birthday tweet! This competition is only open to South African residents.

a Rafflecopter giveaway




  1. Sam Wright is my inspiration as I have never viewed or researched any other women of tech before finding her and I am a tech junkie now

  2. Don’t know a lot of women in tech but so far you have opened my eyes to the wonderful world of tech. Oh wait, my wife is an inspiration becuase everything she knows I taught her and she uses it everyday

  3. Heather Ford, a South African woman, studied at Rhodes, Stanford, Wits and now sits on the Wikimedia Foundation Advisory Board (linked to Wikipedia).

  4. Sam – the founder/editor of Tech Girl and who creates an online space that caters to every woman. I read every single new Tech Girl post on and I am ready to prove my four computer ‘boffin’ children I’ll manage any “technology”. Yes, young people think they know better and sometimes we over 40’s feel inferior and unworthy. Yes, I am an “old dinosaur” but can’t bear the idea to stay behind. I must admit I love it when the children listen astonished when I can tell them things worth knowing about and they don’t know it yet…

    Thank you, thank you very much Tech Girl! With you I can express the joie de vivre with which “old dinosaurs” throughout the ages have overcome fears of the future. Your beautiful blog, facebook and twitter posts put a sparkle into my day-to-day life!

  5. Melinda Gates- From humble beginnings she has revolutionized the world and has contributed greatly to education and health of women globally.

    She is determined, goal driven, a loving wife and mother and I feel she is an example for all.
    So many people are ridiculously wealthy and yet only think of themselves, this woman has shown true compassion and is a humanitarian.
    She encourages and strengthens women to take charge of their lives and stand on their own two feet and to be recognized within their communities and work-places.
    Melinda is truly someone we ladies and even ladies in the tech world can look up to.

  6. You are Sam! Thank you for starting Tech Girl!!!!!! Absolutely love reading your posts and watching your videos…..

  7. I am not really a tech girl at all but I do have a lot of admiration for Melissa Atree and what she has achieved.

  8. Has to be Tamsin Oxford (formerly Tamsin MacKay), former editof at PCF magazine. Thoroughly entertaining, and did darn well at the helm of that publication!

  9. Sam Wright is my inspiration. Prior to tech girl I had no interest in reading anything tech until Sam’s fun tweets. I have also started my own tech and beauty blog 🙂

  10. Sam I would have to say u are my inspiration. I’m a single mom holdingddown my day job done my ccnp now. Iv got my ccna and a +and u really helped me push on. I was ready to give up. But I love technology.i really live and breath it. Hope I win. It would make my studies easier. Mwah thanks for being so awesome. Zakiyah

      1. It’s up hill. It always has been fir me. I come from abuse in evevery sense of the word. And it still ongoing. Feels like I’ve been in a nightmare since age 2 and iv not gotten a break yet. I keep telling myselfssomethings got to give. Its always me tho. Thank u for being the person u are. I want to be that one day. Maybe it’s a bit late.

          1. Sam if I dint have twitter does it matter as far as my running in the competition goes ?

  11. Irene Nkgadmina her life story is incredible,if she can do extremely well in her career. All women should look up to her.after reading this she is my role model n inspiration. I’m so proud of you Irene

  12. I first came across Tech Girl via Twitter a few months back, and since then – your entire team have kept me captivated. But I have to take my hat off to you, Sam, you kick-ass. I read all your comments on the SA Blog group on Facebook and even the tweaks and tips you give on Tech Girl, and appreciate every single thing you say. You have never lost your voice and have stayed true to what you know – that takes balls. And Tanya, because who else do you know runs the comrades while live tweeting? You girls have rocked this year – well freakin done!

    1. Megan thank you so much. Messages like this embarrass me (haha) but also fill my heart with so much joy. Thank you for reading and supporting! xx

  13. Zoe Hawkins Designation: Content Editor and PR Manager Company: – She is a video game and tech journalist, this means reporting on new game releases, controversies, gameplay or features. This can include game reviews and editorials, as well as tech reviews and videos showing off the latest gadgets. She has my dreamjob 😀 Hope you have many more years of success!! Happy Birthday !!

  14. Nafisa Akabor is my Top Woman In Tech. A true Legend and so humble. Always ready to help a tech newbie like myself.

  15. Zoe Hawkins from!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Sam you are such an inspiration as a woman in Tech. You have created a fantastic site with awesome content that is easy to read and apply well done team:-)

    1. Verushka you’ve been reading since the very beginning (yes, I notice) and I am so incredibly grateful for the support. Thank you!

  17. Definitely tech girl, biggest and best technology and information portal in south Africa which is inspiring to say the least.

  18. Meredith Perry, the Founder and CEO of uBeam serves as an amazing example of innovation in our time!

  19. #TGSavvy was one of the best blogging session I have attended in Johannesburg! Kudos to Sam! The women I really admire is Marissa Mayer who is now CEO of Yahoo Inc! and was the first women engineer at Google and 20th employee. She has remained vocal throughout her career in the silicon valley which was totally men driven and full of nerds like herself. She only sleeps for 4 to 6 hours a day and brought various changes to all the organizations she sits as Board of Directors. Second on my list is Sheryl Sandberg who also did her stint in Google before becoming Facebook Inc CEO! Bravo to all the women who brings change to the world and challenge all authorities to reach the place they deserve! Cheers!!!

  20. Sheryl Sandberg as
    she is facebook’s first female board member and owner of stock in the company. She
    is one of few women to play such a high role in digital technology.

  21. Mai Temraz, Palestine, Gaza
    She’s making a difference for women in tech in a very patriarchial society

  22. Have to say Tech Girl as well. Awesome reviews, No boring reading. Ask you a question and it actually gets answered

    1. I am so incredibly blessed to have such super readers and I’m glad we can answer your questions!

  23. Has to be Sam Wright! She has superhero juggling powers to be able to handle all she does 🙂

    1. Hahaha Nicola, juggling powers or just really good and throwing all the balls really high in the air 😉 Thank you so much for reading and supporting Tech Girl!

  24. I Find Roberta Williams Is inspiring, In case you read this, here are a few facts:
    >She was one of the First female video game designers
    >Is Credited with pioneering the Graphic Adventure game genre
    >Co Founded Sierra with her Husband Ken. (at the age of 27 btw)

    Because of her work, Tim Schafer could create his games, Lucasarts could create the Monkey Island series.

    If it wasn’t for her Contributions to Gaming in the early 80s and through the 90s. Telltale games would likely not exist.

    So Yeah, a woman who basically invented a Genre of gaming. that’s pretty awesome.

    And as a last note: “King’s Quest” *mic drop*

  25. Urm, not to be a brown noser and all that I like the author and founder of tech Girl. I love interacting and following your daily struggles and fun times. YOU make tech fun so yes. Happy bday lady!!!! Wishing you many more years!!!!

    1. You brown noser you 😉 Thank you Ursula, for your kind words and for being my online friend. xx

  26. I have to admit i was never into tech before becoming your fan. So yes Sam you are my TECH INSPIRATION. Your reviews are so awesome and realistic that when it comes technology i dont need google just need Tech Girl to keep me in the loop and updated.

    1. Sophia thank you I feel so honoured and I am so incredibly glad that you find this blog helpful. Thank you for reading!

  27. Grace Hopper. I first learnt how to code properly in COBOL. I was really glad to know that a woman’s work was the base of this language that is still in use today in many industries. I also aspire to create something that can stand the test of time.

  28. Nafisa Akabor shes fun, interesting, loves what she does, perfect blogs and i feel i can relate to her, women are fast becoming a hit in the industry like technology! i mean look at you sam one year already!!! absolute perfection and on point!!!!! makes me want to do things i would never even dream i would be doing

  29. The first woman who came to mind was Sam Wilson. She was my first editor when I started working for and she’s not afraid to take on the big boys. She’s wise and willing to teach in any way that she can.

  30. I would say Kari Byron since her first appearance in the show Mythbusters, she has shown that tech is not just for guys anymore.

  31. Heather Ford, she is a South African researcher, blogger, journalist, technology social entrepreneur and open source activist who has worked in the field of Internet policy, law and management in South Africa, adding activism for woman in the technology industry

  32. I’m not as tech savvy as I’d like to be, so I’m eternally grateful for sites like techgirl that provide much needed product information and industry news in an easy to understand format.

    Anyone who dreams of owning a robot that makes tea – Sam Wright – is defo a woman in tech that inspires me 🙂

    1. Thank you Farzana! When I find that robot I promise I’ll share the supplier with you so you can get one too!

  33. Ursula Burns, President and CEO of Xerox. She was the first African American women to be the CEO of a major American company. I think she is an inspiration that no matter your background you can achieve great things if you work hard enough.

  34. This is a hard question to answer because there are so many. I follow Sam religiously, she is someone who i think we can all say has a very clear understanding of who she is, the power her voice holds to an audience who really appreciate her honesty and backbone when it comes to all things tech, but If i had to choose someone based on an invention or tech breakthrough I’d have to say Grace Choi, inventor of Mink, the 3D printer for makeup. Being a web developer I can appreciate the technology behind this tool and being a fashion and lifestyle blogger i can appreciate the sheer brilliance in what she’s created. Mink isn’t the first thing she’s invented and it surely won’t be the last.

  35. definitely you Sam 🙂 I was constantly baffled by today’s tech and left that up to my daughter to try and make me understand it BUT you have made it really so easy to understand and start loving it. Love your tongue-in-cheek view on things and enjoy reading your articles.

  36. have always loved tech and really thought I had a good handle on it until I became a fan of Tech Girl. Sam you are an absolute legend!!! I have learnt so much because of you and you really know how to make all aspects of tech FUN!! Happy Birthday and here is to many many many more years of Tech joy.

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