3 Christmas gadget gifts for the Tech Girl family

It’s hard to believe Tech Girl is only 8 months old. I feel like my contributors, and you, are family! Granted, a bit of a weird geeky family, but still a tightknit group of laughing, loving, giggling and sometimes fighting folk.

And while we’re on stuff that is hard to believe – there are only 13 days to go before Christmas! Wowsa. Whether you celebrate or not it is a pretty awesome time to chill and enjoy time with your family. You know who knows a bit about family values? King Price. One of the family values they live by is ‘fun with a little madness’ – I think the Tech Girl family’s gadget obsession falls right into that world!


Getting the same insurance cover, but with super cheap premiums, allows us to consider that extra family gadget for the Christmas holidays. But how are you meant to decide on the BEST family gadgets to buy this festive season? Luckily we’ve done the research for you!


For starters, today and tomorrow you can get yourself a sexy little PlayStation 4 for only R5799.99 and it comes with two games. Head on over to the PlayStationSA Facebook page for more info. Fun for everyone right?


The tiny finder is another clever gadget and they’re so affordable you can get one for each of your family members. You attach the tiny finder to important items and then can track them via your phone. Lost house keys are a thing of the past. These little guys are available via the Orange Store.


If you REALLY want to spoil the family this Christmas come home with LG’s 105” 5K TV. With a screen like that your family will shed tears of joy. You’ll shed tears at the R1000 000 price tag (yup, A MILLION). But can you really put a price on your family’s happiness?

Our Tech Girl family is into gadgets but yours might be into golf. Either way, try not to let the budget stress get you down during the holidays.

Thanks again to King Price for supporting us Tech Girls. If you want to support them in return and save money at the same time, go here for a quick quote!


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