tech girl csgo pinnacle cup

Pinnacle Cup Championship – Photo Dump

Tech Girl Photos from the CSGO event held in June 2022

I was the interviewer for the Pinnacle Cup Championship which happened in June 2022. It was my first big CSGO event and… hell, what a ride. I’m writing this and it is August, but Pinnacle is still the stand out event of 2022 for me. It was so rad to meet some of my idols, players I’ve only ever watched on Twitch streams and working with an incredible crew of broadcast and production talent.

tech girl csgo pinnacle cup

The Pinnacle team took some great photos as did HLTV, who very generously shared them with me so I thought I’d share a bit here and also include some of the other fun stuff we did.

tech girl csgo pinnacle cup

On day 1 I had to interview Krimz from Fnatic which was… mental, to say the least. I was so nervous because, as I mentioned, I’ve watched these guys play for so many years. Here’s the video:

I think the highlights for me was definitely meeting and interviewing both Fallen and F0rest.

tech girl csgo pinnacle cup

I have so many photos from the event. I’ve dropped a few favourites here but if you’d like to see all the images:


tech girl csgo pinnacle cup

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