zombies south africa

GIVEAWAY: South African Zombies – it’s a thing

Local Zombie fiction you'll love

The irony of posting this during a global pandemic is not lost on me. But, did you know there is a South African Zombie Association? It’s not quite what you’re thinking. Instead, it is a collection of Zombie fiction that has a very proudly local flair. Zombie fans Lee Herman and Stephen Lewis got together to share their love of Zombies and Zombie entertainment with the world. Lee Herman has authored four pieces of fiction all with a Zombie theme but also keeps it very local, so if you’re South African you’ll love the local flavour while if you’re just a global Zombie fan, you’ll dig the new setting.

I was lucky enough to be sent 4 of the works of fiction and I’m hooked. Here’s an overview of the books on offer:

Journal of a South African Zombie Apocalypse

Journal of a South African Zombie Apocalypse

“South Africa has been inflected. The army and police were overrun. Government has fallen. And now the dead roam the streets.” The story follows Kon who, along with his brother and father, need to leave Pretoria and head to Robben Island, which is rumoured to be safe haven. The book works as a sort of log from the “survivors” of the zombie takeover.

The South African Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide

The South African Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide

This is such a fun book. It is exactly what it says it is and focuses on making sure you “don’t get chowed.” Which I love. There’s a really fun tongue in cheek look at how you need to prepare for the apocalypse, including references on how to use your old cricket pads and where the best “safe” parts in South Africa would be. As the author points out: we’ve survived load shedding, so we should be good.

Living as the undead in South Africa – Zombie ZA

Living as the undead in South Africa

This book is a guide for new zombies – basically, it is designed to prepare you for the off chance you’re bitten during a Zombie Apocalypse and covers everything a new zombie would need to know, including how to behave at a braai. The book includes fun artwork and will definitely give you a giggle.

KB’s Log

KB's Log

Following on from the first book I mentioned in this post, we pick up a new story expertly told by Herman. This story is the one of KB, who is sent to the Mpumalanga bush as punishment, but she’s now hearing strange stories from the cities and has to work alongside a ranger and spoilt city boy to attempt to return to civilisation. It’s another fun ride through a Zombie infested South Africa.

All four books are fabulous works of fiction allowing for an escape from the world that currently feels even as crazy as a zombie apocalypse. Most importantly, for me, this is a celebration of local South African art and creators. Herman has poured so much love into the books and accompanying merchandise. If you’d like to find out more or buy a book for yourself then head on over to the South African Zombie Association website. The site also includes links to where you can purchase the books.

To get you started on your Zombie journey though, the South African Zombie Association has given me 2 Zombie hampers to giveaway. Each hamper includes a copy of a Journal of a South African Zombie Apocalypse, a SAZA T-Shirt and assorted merch including stickers, bookmarks and badges. If you’d like to win one of the hampers it is pretty simple. Comment on this post and tell me where your love of Zombies started and then follow some of the Gleam entries to ensure you’ve got a few extra chances to win.

Good luck!

Win an epic Zombie hamper



  1. Hi there,

    My love and fear for anything zombie started when I was very young as I would secretly watch my dad play Resident Evil on the PS1 many years ago and one of my fondest memories was when my sister and I thought we were brave enough to play Resident Evil 4 on our own (with my mom’s permission of course). I on the other hand was not so brave and convinced my younger sister to try out the game first. I watched as she made her way to the abandoned house at the start of the game. It was fairly easy at first, she killed the crazy guy who slowly made his way to you with a pickaxe. However that somehow alerted the rest of the townspeople and more zombie like people started showing up. She ran upstairs, got all of the things like ammo and such, ran back down stairs to find the body of the guy she killed missing. Up the stairs again and jumped through the window.
    On the right she picked up more things like ammo or maybe a herb however the second she turned around we found that the crazy guy she killed in the house was standing in front of her. He attacked, she screamed, I laughed and my mom stormed into the room telling us to switch the game off. My sister did not hesitate one second and although I have fond memories about jump scares I myself have actually never played Resident Evil 4.
    I’ve played many of the other games over and over again but RE4 is the one game I will not play probably because I’m worried it will spoil my memories of that one moment.

    And that’s my story 🙂

    1. What does it say about me that I just can’t get enough of apocalyptic stories, and prefer them more than hopeful ones? My love started with George A. Romero, a horror visionary who created the modern zombie genre with his 1968 cult film, “Night of the Living Dead,” which has influenced generations of horror enthusiasts, and garnered an entire genre of zombie movies, shows, comic books and even manga.
      Some were better than others, but I love being immersed in that kind of world, and I’m still enjoying The Walking Dead quite a lot, even more so now… When TWD came out, my Mom, being a traditional black woman, could not understand if I’d been cursed or if I’ve joined a cult as I was enjoying the entire gore and violence of it all.
      But there’s more nuance to it than just that, presenting a world in which the rules fly out of the window and what’s left is pure survival, and how far normal, good people can be bent until they break completely. Love this show!

    2. Aricia this such a rad story. Also a huge congrats. You’re one of our winners. I’ll be reaching out on email soon to arrange to get your prize to you 🙂

      1. Thank you so much for this ^-^) I’m so excited and I cannot wait ♥ My sister is already jealous because she thinks she helped me win as we shared the memory

  2. Dude – I LOVE that plot idea! Super keen to get myself some of this snazzy reading material as soon as my paycheck allows it! While doing my undergrad in Stellies, every year Zombiewalk was the highlight of my year. Definitely proves the badass undead talent lurking right under our noses! – Miècke

    1. Congratulations, your pay cheque stays in the bank because you’re one of our winners! Will be emailing you shortly to arrange prize delivery 🙂

  3. Iv always been a fan of Zombies. The first time was as a kid playing Resident Evil Outbreak on PlayStation 2… I got so scared, the rush gave me an interest in the whole zombie apocalypse vibe and from then on anything zombie related caught my eye from Left 4 Dead to The Walking Dead

  4. My boyfriend got me hooked (bitten , not only smitten). He’s an avid gamer and is making me catch up on The Walking Dead (COVID got me to Season 6). He was in a motorbike accident last year and I went straight for his “Zombie Killer” T-shirt first to sleep with while he was recovering. Now that he’s back, I’m bitten and smitten all over again.

  5. My love for Zombies started with all the movies made, who doesn’t love them😍😍

  6. My love for Zombies started with the movies when I was a child then the games.

  7. My zombie love definitely kicked off with Resident Evil. So many things have been done with the genre – it’s both playful and apocalyptic. LOVE IT!

  8. My love for zombies started when I watched the dawn of the dead, since then I’ve accumulated a number of weapons and even a theme song for when they do strike 😂 weapons include various swords and a crossbow❤️really a believer in them and I’m eagerly awaiting their arriva.

  9. For sure when I started watching The Walking Dead and IZombie, I have been hooked ever since, also love Fear the walking Dead…

  10. Been a fan of Zombies for as long as I can remember and even more so after playing Resident Evil 🙂

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