Whether you use Chrome or Firefox (as a human with feelings you better not be using Internet Explorer) there are some amazing browser extensions out there. Useful ones like Grammarly (spell check on juice) or The Great Suspender (tab management) but then you get extensions that are in a league of their own. Here are some of the most useless Chrome and Firefox extensions that are actually pretty cool (even if you just use them once).
SEE ALSO: Just how much content is there on the internet?
Get Clippy the annoying paperclip on EVERY single website you visit
As much as you deny it, if you were using Microsoft Office circa 1998, you probably miss Clippy. Installing the extension allows Clippy to enter your online life. I had Clippy on a couple of websites and then got annoyed so removed it. Nostalgia can be funny like that. If you’re looking for an update, try out Pipey from Silicon Valley.
Replace all images with Nicolas Cage
Everything is better with Nicolas Cage (except his movies – jokes aside Lord of War is one of my favourite movies) and with the Ncage extension, you get to replace all images with different Nicolas Cage pictures.
Ncage Chrome Extension Ncage Firefox Extension
Change all mentions of millennials to snake people
If you’re tired of reading about millennials why not change things up and install this extension that swops the word millennials with snake people. Millennial pink? Try snake people pink. Just remember to disable it if you’re doing work.
Newspapers can stop issuing corrections now, because this is the correction to end all corrections. https://t.co/6Tl0Hlgtb1 pic.twitter.com/Ds1VKiHpol
— John Schwartz (@jswatz) March 7, 2018
Millennial to snake people for Chrome Millennial to snake people for Firefox
This extension does nothing
Absolutely nothing. But it does have some amazing reviews. Install it and then never worry about updates.
Just do it with Shia Labeouf
If you’re feeling uninspired get Shia Labeouf to get you back on your feet again. You can do it!
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