travel gadgets

Tips for organising your electronics accessories when you travel

I was lucky enough to travel a lot last year and it seems like 2018 will offer up much of the same. I take A LOT of gadgets with me wherever I go and unfortunately with gadgets comes a stack of accessories. However, I’ve pretty much got the electronics accessories packing down to an art. If you’re hitting the road (or air) any time soon, here are some tips:

Keep the electronics accessories in your hand luggage

nintendo switch carry case

After having to unpack my main back and dig through dirty underwear to pull out a portable power cube while in Asia, trust me – it is far easier just to keep everything in your hand luggage. China and Asian countries are especially strict with power banks being in your main luggage so rather keep them in your carry on. I always carry two power banks with me. One is far bigger than the other and I know it can do a full 3 charges before going flat. The other can usually do one and a half and is smaller – ideal for handbags. I ensure they’re both fully charged before I travel. We rely so much on our phones when we’re not at home that you need to make sure it has juice – always.

Try limit your cable and adapter needs

travel cable

This is easier said than done. The first thing I did was buy a multipurpose adapter. Its far bigger than most travel adapters but it means that you can use the same electronic adapter in various countries. You just need to remove or add pieces. One adapter makes life far easier. I also try limit my cables. So I’ll have my phone cable, notebook charger and then one other USB connection cable that connects to multiple devices (So it will charge my S8, Nintendo Switch and a power bank to charge it). Carrying less cables is far easier so try keep that in mind when packing. Not always easy but you can make it work!

Buy an organiser

Thule Subterra PowerShuttle

This sounds strange but it works a charm. For example, my Nintendo Switch bag also works as a useful organiser because the available slots for games fit memory cards as well. Thule has also recently launched their Subterra PowerShuttle which is honestly a God send. It allows you to store cables, earphones and adaptors in a series of elastic loops but also has space for power banks, your phone and extra hard drives in the pockets added. You can also use the pass-through slot to charge your phone while travelling without having to unpack the whole bag (or dig through your back pack trying to find the right cable). This little organiser costs R399 and is amazeballs. I’d seriously suggest having something similar to carry all your accessories with you.

Do you have any tips or tricks for carrying all the electronics when travelling? Let me know in the comments below!

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