
Bringing sexy back: dadbag

This week I turned 33. And the weird thing about birthdays is that I never actually feel older. I don’t worry about my age and I think I look younger than I am (I have my alabaster sun-burn prone skin to thank for that). I still feel 25. Which I think is important. At a stage I would worry that I hadn’t bought property or had kids yet, but as I get older age appropriateness concerns me less.

And that is the most awesome thing about getting older, you care less about what others think of you. Kind of like Donald Trump, but when you’ve gone that far you’re probably too far gone. I’m talking about embracing your dadbod (or buying one), making your own tea like Liam Gallagher (the funniest video you’ll see this week) and speaking your mind just like Karl Pilkington (who is getting his own show!!)

Get a “dadbod” without compromising your gym schedule

You can have the dadbod with this new moonbag, Dadbag. It’s not available to buy yet but the founder is looking for funding. Would you buy one?


A post shared by Dadbag – The Orginal (@thedadbag) on


A post shared by Dadbag – The Orginal (@thedadbag) on

Trump cheats on covfefe

When Trump tweeted covfefe the internet lost its mind. And now he called a country in Africa “Nambia”.

SEE ALSO: What a whole bunch of covfefe

If you have no idea what this meme is about, then watch the video below:

 Liam Gallager makes his own tea just like you and me

And it is funny AF.

Get the internet on one page (no it’s not Google)

While browsing a list of useful links, I came across Hvper. It has the top content from popular sites all on one page. Think Buzzfeed, Giphy, Google News, Vice, Twitter and YouTube. I particularly like the image and gif sections.

Karl Pilkington is getting his own show

If you haven’t watched An Idiot Abroad yet, do yourself a favour and binge watch it. Karl goes travelling around the world and presents it in a way that you’ve never seen before. I honestly expect dirty nappies to be flying around the Great Pyramids when I finally get to see them. And now he is getting his own show!  Here’s one of my favourite quotes:

[Tweet “Neil Armstrong went to the moon but he ain’t been back. It can’t have been that good.”]



ICYMI: here’s last week’s Bytesized

The internet reacts to the iPhoneX

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