Welcome to the first edition of Bytesized for 2017. After a long break of delicious food, way too much vino, sun and family, it’s time to get back work. If the transition has been tough, then this edition probably isn’t for you. You’ll probably just end up feeling old when you realize R.Kelly’s I believe I can fly is 20 years old.
These hit songs are 20 years old this year
Yo I’ll tell you what I want, what I really, really want (be honest you just sang that). Wannabe by the Spice Girls
Every teenage girl’s dream back then – who can forget the catchy Mmmbop by Hanson (WTF is a mmmbop anyway?)
The ultimate feel sorry for myself anthem, All by myself by Celine Dion
[Tweet “Hanson’s Mmmbop is 20 years old this year. Click here to feel really, really old. #BytesizedZA”]
Common expressions the youth don’t understand
Why do we hang up the phone, dial a number, turn a device on or off or say online? If you think about the origins, you get why the youth would be confused.
Technology has developed so fast that stuff that we used to do 20 years ago actually doesn’t make sense. It’s like wondering why we say bite the bullet (back in the day doctors had no anesthesia, so you had to bite a bullet to get through the pain) or let your hair down (women were required to wear elaborate up dos and were only permitted to have their hair loose once they were home).
[Tweet “Kids today don’t know why we say hang up the phone or turn a device on or off “]
The iPhone turned 10
While we may be used to all of the awesome functionality that a smartphone brings, 10 years ago we had flip phones and only used our phones for calling and sending messages.
[Tweet “You’re 10 and have an iPhone and Facebook. When I was 10 we had something called outside.”]
We have a tough time remembering things
*enters password*
WRONG.*resets password*
— anna (@nutellaANDpizza) January 7, 2017
Life before Google
And when we didn’t know something, unless someone was a fountain of knowledge, it stayed that way.
Proving that truth is sometimes (much) stranger than fiction and that their really is job for every one.
Fancy a career change? Inflating a sedated king cobra is part of its health check #Thailandpic.twitter.com/5idEH4rK8d
— BBC Earth (@BBCEarth) January 8, 2017
[Tweet “Bet you can’t get through this post without asking am I really that old!?”]