I’m really starting to feel like I’m getting old. I’ve had 20/20 vision my whole life. I’ve watched my friends choose (and break) expensive glasses frames. I’ve watched them battle with contacts. I’ve been grateful that I don’t have to deal with the admin but lately I’ve been getting the worst headaches after spending time staring at my laptop screen editing videos or working. My eyes get “hazy” and tired.
When the Gunnar Glasses dropped on my desk I was pretty damn excited. My brother has been raving about them for some time and is desperate for a pair. He games more than anyone I know so if he says they’re hot property I tend to believe him. They’re pretty fancy glasses and are called “computer eyewear”. Apparently for girls like me, who spend all their spare time staring at screens, we tend to suffer from something called digital eye strain.
The Gunnar Glasses are designed to stop that. They help you focus on the screen, minimise eye muscle fatigue and stop that awful dry eye feeling. Truth is I copied that from their website because I didn’t know how else to describe what happens when you wear them. They really do work. I used them to write and edit content this week as well as tweak two YouTube videos. My eyes don’t have that heavy feeling on the way to bed and I haven’t got a headache. Winning!
I’ve been using a pair of Gunnar Intercepts in Onyx Crystal. My brother says I should have gone with the Amber lenses because they sharpen images in game. There are a host of style and lens options available on Raru. These glasses work and I’m not sure how I blogged without them, never mind gamed!
My only bug bear with the Gunnar Glasses is that I’m not 100% happy about wearing them at work. The woman in me is a bit self conscious about the fact that the Onyx design is a bit too big for my face. I originally thought the retro style would be ideal but on arrival of the frames, I look more school teacher than cute nerd. Most of the frame shapes on offer on Raru are pretty masculine. However, taking a quick look at the Gunnar website, there are a host of more female friendly frames. I’m presuming the first batch of stock was to test the waters. Hopefully we can see the Micron 24K style and the like in SA soon.
These babies work. I was dubious but now I’m grateful. They retail for around R826 but are completely work the spend.
Images: Tegan Smith Photography
Disclaimer: I was sent a pair of Gunnar Glasses to test out.