GHD Styler being used
Lindsay Ellingson backstage at the 2014 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show in London on December 2nd, 2014

4 tech tips to make your ghd styler last longer

The truth is, my ghd Styler is right up there on my list of gadgets I can’t live without. What did we do before hair straighteners? Seriously? What I love about this particular gadget is that, even though the brand is constantly innovating and adding scientific findings to features in their new offerings, the older products are still capable of doing what you purchased them for and, most importantly, they last!

Unlike your favourite smartphone which seems to die a death around the 2 year mark, a ghd Styler can keep going for years on end. I recently had the chance to spend some time with Andrew Young, ghd South Africa’s key account and education manager. Did you know there are a few key steps you can follow to better take care of your favourite Styler? I am guilty of wrapping the cord around the Styler and pulling it from the plug point. If you want your favourite hair accessory to be around for years to come here are our 4 tech tips to make your ghd Styler last longer:


1. Never wrap the cord of your ghd styler around the styler itself. You damage and heat the cables at times. Rather, wrap it next to the Styler and use a hair tie to keep it all together or use one of the ghd bags which allow you to secure the cables and Styler in it when stored like this (cables NEXT to the Styler not around). Remember how your ghd Styler came out the box? This is how you want to store it.

2. ghds come with nose guards – use them! When you scratch the ceramic plates you damage the styler. How many times have we seen hairdressers storing Stylers on metal work stations while open? Don’t follow suit. Rather keep the nose guard on when you’re done using it. Also, if you need to clean the plates use a damp cloth. If there is excess product build up a damp cloth will suffice – rather that then scratching it off with your finger or an object which, again, could scratch and damage the plates.

ghd styler

3. ghd Stylers run off a universal voltage so you’re able to travel with one without worrying too much. However, you should keep to using one dedicated plug point for your ghd. The Stylers are extremely advanced and when you plug it in with your phone charger and side lamp and hair dryer and and and, it might pick up power surge problems and automatically power down. The Styler is trying to save itself but you’ll assume something is wrong.

4. Don’t just rip your Styler cable out the power point. This will register a power fault with the Styler. This is especially true of the super technologically advanced ghd Platinum Styler. ghds are sensitive to power ups and downs and attempt to “save themselves”. So rather switch off and then unplug. If you forget to switch off and unplug, never fear. The Styler has an automatic timer that powers it down if it is not being used. No need to worry about burning your house down!

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