
Bytesized | 28 August 2015

Bytesized. Your weekly digital dose of all things tech in snackable bytes.



Oh South Africa, I do so love you. Going on an overseas trip is out of the question unless you are super rich or have friends/family living there who will feel sorry for you and pay for most of your trip, but that doesn’t stop us from laughing at the situation.

stronger than the rand

stronger than the rand

stronger than the rand


That if you google “do a barrel roll”, then the page takes a tumble. Try it.

google do a barrel roll

Google “tilt” and the page will tilt.

google tilt


Oh, I see what you did there….


demetri martin slug having a nightmare
Image from This is a Sketch by Demetri Martin



I saw this and was so grateful it was on a loop. I must’ve watched it like 30 times and I laughed everytime. They see me rolling, they hating…

rolling animated GIF


Bytesized is your weekly digital dose of all things tech in snackable bytes. #ByteSizedZA @TechGirlZA

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