
Levi's ® X LEGO

The reason I love what I do is that I can be honest with you. With this blog, my YouTube channel and even my social channels I try follow international best practice and therefore if something is sponsored I disclose it.

Here are a few things you might want to know:

  1. I am currently partnered with Logitech G and Vox Gaming in South Africa. I am a freelance writer for Red Bull and write esports and gaming content for them that lives on their website.
  2. If I am paid to create content or promote an event the blog post will be marked at #SPONSORED  in the category section of the post. The YouTube video will be marked as #SPONSORED in the bottom left or right hand corner and is also included in the description. Social posts that have been paid for will include #ad or #sponsored at the end of the post.
  3. If I am sent an item to keep or offered a paid for experience I will mark the content as #GIFTED – to clarify this means I DID NOT receive monetary support but did receive the item or experience at no cost to myself.
  4. I’d like to think that you’ll realise that if I’m working an esports event, hosting a corporate event/MCing and have been announced as the talent, you are aware that money is changing hands and I don’t need to disclose this. But now I have, so you know.
  5. I am regularly sent products to review. The majority of these products are review units meaning I DO NOT KEEP THEM and they are returned to the company. However, to ensure full clarity there is a section as the bottom of posts with full disclosure. If I’m keeping the product, I’ll tell you. If I’m sent on a paid for trip, I’ll tell you. If I used my own device or paid for the game myself, I’ll tell you.

I’m honest about what is going on here. I consider you and everyone else who engages with my content, a community.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me so I can address them.


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I'd love to chat to you some more.


I usually send out a weekly mailer with a recap of blog posts but also some personal anecdotes. If you want to know about competitions or just catch up in a more personal setting then you might like to receive the mailer.

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