You know how some people wear pink on Thursdays? Well on the first Thursday of May, the world celebrates World Password Day. Coming up with an original password can be tough, especially when you’ve tried your old one several times, reset it and then get told “YOUR OLD PASSWORD CAN’T BE YOUR NEW ONE”. So you find one that you’ll hopefully remember that contains upper and lower case, as well as special characters, your firstborn and the hair of a lesser, spotted Big Foot. Password vaults are very useful just as long as you don’t forget the master password.
In this week’s edition, I take a look at the worst passwords as well as the most popular words used in passwords (and yes, I looked at bad words too because of course I did). Find out what asset will give you better ROI than any NFT or DogeCoin plus a fun KFC fact to make you sound cool. You can thank me later.