game and glory csgo documentary1

The magic of Counter-Strike

Watch this documentary of the Rio Major 2022

Most Counter-Strike fans know the name OJ Borg. He’s easily one of the most prolific stage hosts in the world of Counter-Strike and he is the creative executive on a new 47 minute documentary entitles GAME AND GLORY, produced by BBC Studios in partnership with ESL. The documentary follows CSGO players as they compete at the biggest event of the year: The Major.

game and glory csgo documentary2

Whether you’re a hardcore fan that watched every live game and soaked up all the other content around the 2022 Intel Extreme Masters Rio Major or someone who knows absolutely nothing about esports or Counter-Strike – you NEED to watch this documentary. It does a fantastic job of explaining the CSGO landscape, the culture and community. It also then takes you into the world of professional Counter-Strike players to showcase the pressure and experience each of them goes through when competing on the biggest stage in the world.

The best part? The documentary is completely free to watch on ESL’s YouTube channel. Right here:

Let me know what you think about the documentary? I get goosebumps every time! (There’s a song in there). 

I'd love to chat to you some more.


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