girl on instagram

Can’t post multiple photos to your Instagram grid? Here’s a quick fix

A few people have been hit by a weird Instagram bug where they don’t have the option to post multiple photos to their Grid in one post. I haven’t been effected but I’ve seen a few complaints  online so thought I’d help with a quick fix or hack that you’ll be able to use (and it is also an easier way to add multiple photos to your grid, I didn’t even know you could do this!).

It is pretty simple:

  • Open your Instagram app and click the plus sign at the top right
  • Select post – if the option to add multiple isn’t there, don’t fret.
  • Click and hold your first picture, you’ll notice the numbers will pop up and allow you to select multiple photos
  • Sorted!

I’ve also posted a little Instagram reel to explain how to do this, as well:


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