best of 2020

The Best of 2020: apps, games, gifs, videos, songs & more

It’s that time of year again. The time where we take a look at the year that was/is 2020 and see what people listened to, watched and downloaded.

Best Gifs of 2020

Giphy released their most-viewed gifs for 2020 and of course, dumpster fire made it. But it wasn’t all doom and gloom – the top gif was a Thank You gif with 1 061 535 526 views. Othe tops gifs include ones that say I love you, It’s OK and one that sends a virtual hug. Breaking this theme is dumpster fire with 437 896 231 views. And what would a year be without Billie Eilish LOL (421 554 616 views)?

The most-viewed gif with 1 061 535 526 views

Making the top 10 is dumpster fire with 437 896 231 views

Best of Google Play 2020

Every year the folks at Google Play release the list of their favourite apps, games, movies and books. They also ask users what they liked. This year wellbeing and entertainment apps dominated.

The Users’ Choice 2020 winners are:

best apps google play 2020

The Best Android App 2020

This is one I hadn’t heard of until I checked the list. Loona is a wellbeing app that helps you sleep by playing something called sleepscapes. ” A sleepscape is a guided session that combines activity-based relaxation, storytelling, and sounds in a unique way.”

best android app 2020 loona

The Best Android Game 2020

Genshin Impact, a first player game where you awake to a very different world and have to go on several quests across Teyvat to seek answers from The Seven. I’m no gamer but this sounds kind of like Zelda, which is probably one of the only games like this that I’ve ever played.

best android game 2020 genshin impact

For a full list of The Best Android Apps for 2020, click here.

Best Apple Apps 2020

This list “recognizes apps and games notable for their positive cultural impact, helpfulness, and importance”.

iPhone App of the Year: Wakeout! A wellness app with easy exercises
iPad App of the Year: Zoom
Mac App of the Year: Fantastical A task organiser like no other
Apple TV App of the Year: Disney+
Apple Watch App of the Year: Endel Customised soundscapes adjusted to your daily routines

Best Apple Game 2020

Usually, Apple and Android users don’t agree on much but this year BOTH awarded Genshin Impact a best game award.

  • iPhone Game of the Year: Genshin Impact

For a full list of more of the best Apple games 2020, click here. 

YouTube’s Top Trending Videos 2020

While we live in a world where Baby Shark is the most-viewed video, with 7.05 billion views, here are the trending videos on YouTube in 2020. And nope, YouTube isn’t making a Rewind this year.

For a full list of the top 10 trending videos 2020, click here. 

Spotify Wrapped 2020

  • Most streamed artist: Bad Bunny (8.3bn) I had no clue who this artist was, which just shows that I’m getting to that age now.
  • Most streamed song: Blinding Lights by The Weekend (1.6m) then Dance Monkey by Tones & I at number two
  • Top podcasts:
    • Joe Rogan
    • TED Talks Daily
    • New York Times The Daily

For a full list of Spotify’s Wrapped, click here. Log into your own Spotify account to see what music and podcasts you liked this year. I love that you get a playlist of all your favourites.


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