Logitech G

What is a media kit, social stats pack or digital portfolio?

This post is written in collaboration with Logitech G

I’ve been working with Logitech G to promote their new South African Content Creator Academy. One of the entry requirements is to submit a Social Stats Pack. My social mentions and DMs have been pretty busy the last few days with people asking what exactly a social stats pack is. The enquiries led to a few things:

  • The first is that I’ve written a post below explaining exactly what a social stats pack, media kit and digital portfolio is. It should help any content creator, not just gamers, who are looking to promote their offering.
  • Logitech G realised that while only 8 creators would be chosen for the academy, there was an opportunity to try assist everyone who applied. This is going to be done through a series of mailers over the next 3 weeks. The first went out last week, with this explanation, but there will a few more before entries close, to try offer assistance to every creator who took the time to apply. I’ll post the mailers on my blog too, so even if you didn’t apply you can still take advantage of the knowledge shared.

The piece explaining a media kit/social stats pack is below, however before I get to that – here is more information on the Logitech G Content Creator Academy:

Are you South Africa’s next big gaming content creator?

Are you a bit confused when being asked for a social platform stats pack?

Logitech G peripherals

In marketing and advertising, a social platform stats pack is just another name for what is usually referred to as a Media Kit. Think about an actor or artist being asked for a portfolio – same thing. No matter the name, they’re all looking for the same information:

A snapshot of who you are and what you do.

A Media Kit is a piece of content that gives someone a very quick idea of your personality, who you are and what sort of content you create. You can put together a kit either in document form, via video or even via a website page. The only thing limiting you is your creativity. It is important to let your voice shine through here, unfortunately an excel sheet with numbers does not say much about WHO you are.

So what should you include in a media kit?

Remember you want to keep it short and precise (a snapshot is definitely not a 5 page presentation). Make sure you include a little bit (if you’re writing, consider a paragraph or two) about who you are and what you do. Convey your personality here and add a few interesting personality traits, give an idea of what your content style is and maybe even a few achievements you’re proud of.

Include the various social platforms and online channels you use. Most marketers and brands expect to see follower/fan numbers here. Include them, no  matter the number,  but remember this is only an introduction, follower numbers aren’t nearly as important as engagement or quality content.

This brings us to the next thing you want to include – some snapshots of your best performing content. Another good idea: if you’re a new content creator show growth and engagement over the last few months. You can showcase whatever you want, so if you have something you think is of value – add it!

Some final tips

Tech Girl

  • There are sites all over the world that allow you to register and will create online media kits for you. Sometimes though, these kits don’t always reflect your unique personality. However, if you’re stuck it is a potential option.
  • Images are a great way to infuse your personality into your kit.
  • You can also do all of this in a 3 to 5 minute video as a “showreel” – which is great if your content is video focused as you can use highlights of your best work in the reel.


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