The first week of lockdown went by faster than I thought it would. To stay sane, I’ve been watching series (Daryl & I binge-watched Peaky Blinders), reading (finally started Where the crawdads sing), and consuming all forms of comedy because it is so important to laugh. Schalk Bezuidenhout has a daily lockdown update on Instagram which makes my day. Showering and changing into fresh PJs is also highly recommended. I try to incorporate some form of exercise and one home-cooked meal every day. Although the snackasaurus in me is alive and well.
I need to start practicing social distancing from the refrigerator.
— Charlene (@JustChar83) March 28, 2020
This is how I tame the snackasaurus (you can use mouthwash as well)
Brushed my teeth so that I HAD to stop eating.
— tamtamslam (@TotesTami) March 28, 2020
IG chefs be like…
Chefs on Instagram be sharing recipes like cool all you’re gonna need from your limited quarantine supplies is some quails eggs, truffles from naples, a turkey and some peccorino romano. Oh and we top that off with some fresh turnips and a whole sea bass.
Ok sure.
— Dolce & Dragana™ (@MovesLikeDragan) March 30, 2020
Before you bake banana bread, read this
Oh dude yeah you gotta try baking your own bread in quarantine. It takes 14 hours to do right and it’s boring as shit, but the results are often quite disappointing
— wife radicalized by STEM (@gloomfather) March 29, 2020
Video calls or VCs are kind of a big deal right now
Last week I downloaded HouseParty to see what the fuss was about. The fuss was correct. It is cool. Another VC program that is getting a whole lotta love is Zoom. They have made $4 billion in the last 3 months.
Not muting your mic is the new reply all
— Dani Burger (@daniburgz) March 30, 2020
With the rise of VC comes the rise of VC backgrounds
Can you believe I’ve been having video calls but haven’t even curated or staged my background? I’m a monster. Luckily some good samaritans on the interweb have got me covered. Canva also has a whole bunch that you can use.
need a @zoom background? i got you
— Paul Buckley (@laflures) March 30, 2020
Here’s your new Zoom background. You’re welcome.
— Kitze (@thekitze) March 30, 2020
New Zoom background
— Zach Love (@zijital) March 31, 2020
The Verge has put together an amazing list of backgrounds, which you can check out here.
21 days to change your life… or not
I guess I’ll never be able to lie to myself again about all the shit I would do if I just had the time.
— Anna Kendrick (@AnnaKendrick47) March 30, 2020
If you are interested in learning something new, doing some exercise or getting free stuff, then check out this list of free online resources I put together, which is updated regularly.
The only challenge that matters during lockdown
Seen lots of fun photo challenges on Facebook during quarantine. Let’s start one here. 5 consecutive days, 5 images:
1. Front of credit card
2. Back of credit card
3. Your driving licence
4. Named photo of your mother before she married
5. Scrap of paper with your PIN onGo!
— Pundamentalism (@Pundamentalism) March 29, 2020
If unlike me, you have a Switch, you’ve probably been playing Animal Crossing. If not, here are some ideas.
Where’s Wally? Coronavirus edition
Play Cards Against Humanity Remote Insensitivity online with up to 8 people
In addition to this, Playing Cards also offers traditional card games that you can play online with friends.
And finally, remember to listen to Uncle Samuel L Jackson and stay the f*&% at home
“Stay the f— at home.”
— Resistbot (@resistbot) April 1, 2020