Usually, the fourth movie in a franchise is nothing to write home about. This is the 4th Corona virus Bytesized update, and unlike other movies in a franchise, this week’s edition has a twist – lockdown! And like Fast & Furious, this will be a franchise that goes way past its best buy date.
The last week has been what I can only describe as batsh*t crazy. We are in a time where there are so many unknowns. Although it feels like we are already on the 87th of March, here’s what has been happening in the last week.
Cyril announced the lockdown on Monday night. Shortly after, this happened:
JUST IN! Sun City Timeshare just became available. March 27th till April 3rd. DM if interested.
— Simmi Areff (@simmiareff) March 23, 2020
Then panic buying ensued and Pick ‘n Pay released this beauty
It’s so good that even Woolies RT it.
No one likes ‘that guy’. That’s why friends don’t let friends panic buy. Some of SA’s musos hit the studio to remind you to shop responsibly and with your community in mind. 🎵
— Pick n Pay (@PicknPay) March 25, 2020
People are VERY worried about how they are going to cope for 21 days in lock down
There are so many rules and we can only leave the house for essentials like medicine and food.
There will be no takeaways and this kid gets it
You may have to spend 21 days with your family
Our parents are as anxious as we are about spending 21 days together guys. You might not be a complete joy to be around, either.
— Busobelanga (@qhamile_) March 25, 2020
Parents are taking it particularly hard but there’s an easy solution
Day one of the schools closing and home schooling beginning.
Kids have been expelled and I'm taking early retirement!
What time is wine o'clock?!#CoronaVirus2020 #homeschooling
— Rorifett (@Rorifett) March 23, 2020
Celebs release an Imagine cover but Coconut Kels does it so much better
You can watch the original here, but the one below is amazing.
The song that healed the world. Thank you @GalGadot 🙏🏻❤️
Special thanks to: @theblackwendy @TsitsiChiumya @claudine_ullman @mojaklehoko @RenateStuurman @gillog @DonovanGoliath #davinagordon
For the full video —-> #Covid19Out #imagine
— Coconut Kelz (@CoconutKelz) March 24, 2020
Even John Meyer had a laugh. He was invited to sing Imagine (of course he was) but he thought they had to sing an Ariana Grande song of the same name.
People will take up new hobbies and bread making seems to be the in thing
Please, God, someone do a sport so my boyfriend will stop talking about his sourdough starter
— Olga Khazan (@olgakhazan) March 26, 2020
And video calls mean that I actually have to brush my hair and get out of my PJs
people are like “not every call needs to be a video call” but if you had the natural light I get and my bone structure you wouldn’t say that
— corey kindberg (@coreykindberg) March 25, 2020
We will soon live in a virtual reality which means that your digital calendar might fill up quickly
“Oh, at 5 pm? I can’t make it. I’m going live on Instagram”.
If you want an indication of how much of a hellscape this is going to be, last night a mate told our friendship group he couldn’t do a virtual dinner on Friday because he had “other digital commitments.”
— Alan White (@aljwhite) March 24, 2020
People are saying we are going to have a baby boom in Dec…
If there's a baby boom in 9 months, it'll consist entirely of first-born children.
— Winston Chang (@winston_chang) March 24, 2020
Netflix is trying to keep people indoors by releasing spoilers on billboards
Can you imagine if HBO did this during Game of Thrones?
Brilliant. Netflix filled billboards around town with spoilers so people would try avoid them and stay home.
— Dean Oelschig (@DeanOelsch) March 25, 2020
And if you’re struggling to stay indoors, there is only one solution
If you are really struggling to stay at home, might I suggest that you shave your eyebrows off?
— 𝐜𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭.𝐜𝐨𝐦 (@CaffeineandF) March 23, 2020