
The coolest stickers money can buy

I have a few decals and stickers on my laptop. They’re Wonder Woman related and were gifted to me as a friend. I’m a fan of randomly sticking stuff on things to spice them up a bit – so I’m always on the look out for rad stickers I can use to just jazz stuff up.

Also in the time of Corona, I definitely need to add awesome to a few pieces of tech lying around. So I present to you:

Yes, these are basically the best stickers you’ve likely seen in awhile. A few years back, at the first ever Comic Con Africa, I worked with the incredible Jono, who goes as @byjono on the social medias and what not. Jono is easily one of the best photographers I’ve worked with. Over and above that he creates rad content on YouTube and various platforms. There’s a gorgeous art to what he does. His style is funky and fun. If I’m honest he is easily one of the coolest people I’ve met and I’m in awe of what he creates.

Right, fangirling done. Jono’s work can be find on his website here


So a few days a go I saw a little tweet go out from Jono about how he now had some stickers. I, being his fangirl, immediately clicked through to see what the fuss was about and got way too excited for my own good. Jono has designed three different stickers that you can order on his website. In true Jono style they’re funky, funny and too damn cool for words. I’ve bought packs of all three and will be removing Wonder Woman from my MacBook the moment they arrive – because these ones are so damn rad I NEED them.

The cost is really not that bad. From South Africa I ordered one of each pack and spent less than R300. Obviously they’re sent via normal post which is a little bit of an issue. The South African post office is kind of useless at getting stuff to us. But I’m willing to wait the host of months for these babies.

If you want to buy your own stickers click through to Jono’s site here

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