
Corona Part II: the sequel you never knew you had to read until now

The Corona virus may have changed a lot of things, but it hasn't changed the internet's ability to have a laugh

The one thing I absolutely love about the internet is that it makes it easy for us to take something that is very serious and laugh about it. Case in point, the Corona virus. While it is very serious, and you should definitely wash your hands often and not be an idiot, there is no reason not to see the lighter side of it, have a laugh and in some cases actually learn something. And now for this week’s edition of Bytesized that focuses on COVID-19. Again.

Non-related Corona virus content: 7 Podcasts you need to listen to this weekend

If The Office did a Corona virus episode

These kids don’t need school, they’re smart enough

Thanks, Claire for sending this nugget.

Remote working has gone viral (too soon?)

And here are some tips if you have to work from home

Here’s how to remember to wash your hands & not touch your face

Not sure how long to wash your hands for? There’s a song for that

Last week I shared an infographic showing you how to wash your hands properly. This week you can ADD SONG LYRICS. I obviously created a Backstreet Boys one but am toying with the idea of doing some Afrikaans treffer ones.

Create your own wash your hands infographic here. 

wash your hands

The media coverage vs actual impact tells a very different story

Check out Information Is Beautiful for more info. And remember, what makes COVID-19 so dangerous is that for two weeks you will show no symptoms and that it spreads so easily.

disease deaths per day

media coverage

And finally, remember…

March 10 was Super Mario Day because…

Plus Nintendo hinted at a LEGO collab.

lego mario collab

Check out Sam’s article about two more Mario collabs here. 

Make money by streaming yourself sleeping

This is not a drill.

Forget your name on a grain of rice, you can now see your name as colours

Synesthesia is a rare sensory trait. It is usually when people see letters and numbers in colours. Someone with synesthesia created a tool that shows you what she sees when she reads words.

You can type in your name and find out what colours make up your name here.  Thanks to 9 Things to read this week for the interesting factoid.

your name as a colour

Being the classy individual that I am, I also wanted to know what f*ck would look like in colour. And just in case you were also wondering…

f word in colour

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