My friend Jane over at GI Jane started a new project awhile back called Unselfishly Me. Unselfishly Me is an 8 week self transformation course that is meant to promote self love and focusing on a positive mental attitude about where you are in life and your own self. But it is so much more than that. Jane is a personal trainer and originally put the course together after a friend on Instagram was freaking out about weight loss and wasn’t happy in her skin. My interpretation of Jane’s explanation of how the course came to be was that we put so much emphasis on things like weight loss or career success – believing that if we can get that one thing right everything else will be okay. Instead we need to be focusing on our own mental health and the space we occupy each day.
Unselfishly Me is a paid for course to help you on this journey of self discovery, but it is so much more than that. Since launching the project Jane has added so much more content to Unselfishly Me. She does a host of incredible podcasts and offers up a stack of free content to help you self motivate. I signed up for her newsletter and received the 5 day challenge a few weeks ago. Each day Jane challenged each subscriber to do one activity to help them cleanse their lives. The challenge content was free and meant to inspire. You could choose to follow the five day programme or simply ignore it. However, the tasks were so simple that I took part and really enjoyed the week. I felt like I’d given some time to me each day and I felt each activity did help me cleanse some of the negativity that surrounded me.
I’ve asked Jane if I could share the Cleanse Your Life Challenge here and I’ve done so below. 5 days, 5 small tasks and you’ll feel like a large weight has been lifted. The best part? Jane offers these up regularly, even if you aren’t signed up to the Unselfishly Me 8 week Course. So if you’d like to take part and get more motivation in your mailbox click here and sign up.
Take a look at the 5 day challenge below and let me know if you try it out and what you thought?